View Full Version : Smoking and anxiety

08-06-14, 19:59
Hi everyone :)

Wasn't really sure where to post this but just wanted to ask if anyone has found stopping smoking helped their anxiety?

Before I knew what was wrong with me (I thought my problems were from an iron deficiency) I went through about 6 months being anxiety free. At the time I thought it was because I was on iron tablets but obviously now I know that wasn't the case.

It was recently that I realised I had stopped smoking at the time for around 8 months and I'm now wondering if this is why I felt better

Just looking to see if anyone else has felt better after stopping smoking xXx

08-06-14, 20:13
Nicotine can increase heart rate and long term smoking can make you out of breath and less active so, yes, it can make a difference.

Massive well done for quitting, keep it up!!

08-06-14, 21:40
Hi jen I quit and to be honest my anxiety was no better ,but my health certainly was ,I no you would think anxiety would go better maybe for some people but we are all so different but keep it up dont smoke xx