View Full Version : Is this onset of psychosis?

08-06-14, 20:15
Hello people,sory for bad English. Last year I had depression,anxiety,irrational fears,(even derelalization,but it lasted only few days).
Anyway, 4 or 6 months ago, I had one visual hallucination.It was during the day,so I'am really worried that I have more serious mental illnes. I was in my room,dancing with music :) at one point I looked on wall and saw clown! It was just image,in colour but very transparent,and not so vivid. I was worried,but not too much because it lasted very,very short,just 1 second. I knew it was not real,but I saw it anyway.

I just remember at that time I was more anxious then usual,but it still haunt me.Was that psychosis or not? I tried to search about that on google but I found nothing.
I'm 28 year old.

Please tell me honestly,should I go to see psychiatrist about that 1 hallucination that happened few months ago. After that,everything was fine,I'm now fine,but I can't stop thinking from time to time how that image is onset of psychosis. I never had something like that before in my life,nor after that.But I'am scared it will happen again.

09-06-14, 06:58
I don't know for sure because I'm not a mental health expert but I don't think you are psychotic if you had one hallucination in 6-8 months. Were you very tired at thst moment or taking any new medicine? Even something as simple as decongestants can cause hallucination. If I were you I would still see a doctor or specialist about it. It's probably nothing but better to be safe than sorry, right?

09-06-14, 15:43
Thank you Lyn89 I will go ,you are right,just wanted to see if someone know it better before I go.
Wish you all the best!