View Full Version : Back pain

08-06-14, 20:15
Hi all I hope everyone is doing ok! I haven't been round for a while as I had been doing well, but am suffering at the moment. 2 weeks ago I started with upper back pain, this was a waxing and waning pain in the centre which then moved to left side. Now this pain has been on and off for 2 weeks. I visited GP initially who felt it was muscular, I've been taking strong painkillers which has helped, but pain is still coming back. It moves from left side to right side to centre, then in ribs, then my whole upper body aches. I'm worrying sick it's my heart, then something else. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Thanks for reading :(

08-06-14, 20:48
Anxiety can give you very nasty back and shoulder pain because of the constant state of tension.