View Full Version : I'm not trying hard enough :( please offer some advice?

08-06-14, 21:48
Hi guys
I'm currently seeing a therapist, when I say seeing I mean I've seen her once and have a follow up appointment Tuesday.
I haven't tried hard enough and I feel disappointed in myself, I've seen a new tiny freckle on my leg which looks the same as a few other newbies I've had over the past few months but I'm paranoid, I burnt my legs on holiday last year really bad, reeeeeaaaally bad, frightened I've given myself the c word :( I'm paranoid about it.
I'm not trying hard enough with cbt I'm too fixated on them and how I deserve it for being so bloody stupid last year, nice one me!
Any words of advice?

08-06-14, 22:52
My advice would be to take back control of the situation and kick that dragon in the b@@@ocks because it is trying to hamper your progress. I did not want to offer reassurance but here goes - ten years ago I had freckle free legs but now I have loads. Lucia :hugs:.

08-06-14, 23:01
Thanks luc! I do need to regain control and go back over the techniques, smack the negative thought dragon off my shoulder, rationalise..... The dragon is obviously not very happy about the possibility that I might be starting to ignore it...
Thank you for your response xx

09-06-14, 01:53
We all stumble. Don't be so hard in yourself! You are on the right track!:hugs:

09-06-14, 10:05
As RoseEve already said, don't be too hard on yourself!

At the beginning sometimes you really have to push to make yourself do the exercises, it takes a lot of work to break out of old habits. But at least you've taken the first steps and are aware of your thoughts, that's a breakthrough you can be happy with. Keep working, you'll get there, and it will get easier, you just have to be firm with yourself! :)

09-06-14, 13:38
I think putting yourself under pressure like this can have an adverse effect & your second post in this thread summed it up perfectly. There will be a few setbacks, it is only natural, as long as you learn from them and become stronger because of them you will be fine.