View Full Version : weird mouth sensation

09-06-14, 02:04
For the past couple yrs I guess I get this weird feeling on the upper left side in the back of my mouth. Sort of where sinus throat and mouth all come together. It kind of feel s like something has grown there. I have had this feeling in the past and have focused on it.. but not like the last couple weeks! !! Im totally obsessed. It doesn't hurt at all .. its just as if something is there and wont come out. I did find a tonsil stone last week and removed it successfully ( gross). But it helped a bit for a day or so and then the feeling just returned. I have convinced myself that I have some kind of a tumor growing somewhere so im in a terrible state. Was at the doc a month ago for a sinus infection ( I have chronic sinus issues) she looked in my mouth and throat and said nothing really. Im scared as hell to go back and mention this and not sure its even worth it. I dont know if my mind is playing tricks on me because I am so hyper focused on this part of my mouth throat area. Going crazy. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? I have looked in my mouth throat and had wife do the same. It all looks so so normal. .. I quit using tobacco products a yr ago and am 39yo in good shape physically and terrible shape mentally. . Help

09-06-14, 03:45
The fact that you felt better briefly does suggest it is your anxiety playing tricks. I get this too at times, sometimes gaviscon gets rid of it, other times a bit of exercise sorts it, very occasionally a stiff drink relaxes me enough to let it go (but that can be counterproductive as i can then feel worse the next day!).
Worth going to the docs again just to be 1000% sure, but don't second guess them if they say its nothing - - as your focussing on the symptom may be perpetuating it.
If you have an anxiety or panic disorder then your body will be bouncing in and out of fight/flight as it wishes, one of the early symptoms for me is thickening throat mucus so I feel like I have a lump in my throat. It wouldn't go away when I first experienced it, but after a checkup and an all clear from the doc it did. It still comes back, but because I don't focus on it, it becomes just another one of a handful of symptoms which come and go.
Sorry for the epic post, having issues myself tonight and writing is my therapy! :). Just try not to worry - hope this helps...

09-06-14, 03:51
Thank you so much for the response. It definitely helps alot to know someone has had this. Yes I no doubt have lots of anxiety and panic. I can remember having this sensation many times but never focusing on it and just writing it off as sinuses. Just cant let it go this time. Thank you and good luck to you I hope all is well with you.

09-06-14, 21:05
This could have been written by me! I had this same exact thing for months, since October 2013 until around March 2014. A dentist claimed it was an ulcer, but I don't think it was. I went to see a specialist who couldn't see anything. Touch wood, it went away but does come back occasionally. Of course, I moved on to another symptom then, but I do believe it was nothing and just a sign of anxiety probably. I sometimes thought it might have been brought on by eating lots of sugar, but I'm not sure. I'm confident it will gradually fade for you as well.

10-06-14, 00:35
Went back to docs today in a panic. Ive been obssesively checking the inside of my mouth and back of throat for 3 weeks now. This morning I woke up and was so so so tired but I headed off to work. Went to the restroom to do a check and saw a tiny whitish pimple like speck in the back of my throat. Needless to say I freaked.. this now with my oyher symptoms plus extremely fatigued. So got a break and headed to docs. He looked in my mouth down my throat in my ears felt glands .. everything. I had no temperature but he chalked it all up to sinus infection allergies gave me a steroid shot nose spray and 2 week antibiotics. Ive been feeling awful all day and im hoping alot of it has to do with all my obsessing. I know I should be trusting the doc but its so hard for me to do... my mind continues to wander. But hopefully ill get over all of it. I told the doc all my problems ... he was not alarmed by any of it so why cant I just let go....

Thanks to you for your replies .. maybe once the world cup starts up I can focus on that. But I doubt it .. I just seem to waste so much time with ha

Thanks again

10-06-14, 03:46
What you feel:

You feel as though there is something stuck in your throat or sometimes feel there is a lump in your throat. Other times you may feel that you can barely swallow or that there is a tightness in the throat, or that you have to really force yourself to swallow. Sometimes this feeling can lead you to think that you may suffocate or get something stuck in your throat.

What causes this:

When in danger, stress biology produces a tightening in the throat muscles which produces the choking or 'something stuck in the throat' feeling. When in a nervous or stressful situation, many people will experience this feeling. It is often referred to as 'a lump on your throat'.

There is minimal danger of choking or suffocating under normal conditions, however, some people are very sensitive to things in their throat and therefore caution should always be observed when eating. Chewing food thoroughly andslowly will prevent inadvertently swallowing something that may provoke someone to gag. This symptom can come and go, and may seem to intensify if one becomes focused on it.

11-06-14, 00:45
Thankyou for the reply but its really not in my throat at all.. its sort of where mouth ears throat nose and all that meet on left side if you can imagine. .. ugg

01-07-14, 03:21
Still there.. ugg

01-07-14, 10:06
Does it feel like a pressure, almost as if that part of the sinuses are inflamed? Do you have GERD with anxiety?

01-07-14, 14:19
Sort of does serenity. I have acid that I try to control with omnepraezol. Also I have constant post nasal drip no matter what. Anxious all the time. Thank you for your reply

---------- Post added at 09:19 ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 ----------

Cant tell if its the back of sinus cavity or back of tounge. Feeling like they are touching. Been to the doc and he says post nasal drip can cause this. Just wondering if anyone has ever been tormented by this