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View Full Version : 2 second crushing directly center of chest bone?

09-06-14, 06:52
I was sitting at my computer in a very relaxed manner, eating pita chips when all of a sudden I had a really strange crushing type feeling that was over as fast as it started.

Naturally I instantly went in panic mode and my heart started to race.

I've had my heart checked with ECG, Stress test ECG (ran for 15 minutes) had blood work and chest x-rays but nothing.

I've had chest pains before I'm currently on 20mg prescription prilosec for suspected Gerd.

I've been diagnosed with general anxiety.

Just find it really strange that of all the heart attack symptoms I've had this one was so different and really scary.

Like I said it happened fast and went away. So I dunno had to take some Ativan so that I'm not up all night worried sick about falling asleep and having it happen again..


09-06-14, 18:19
That sounds absolutely nothing like a heart issue. More like indigestion, GERD or even sensory disturbances created by anxiety.

09-06-14, 18:24
I get this every now and again when I first got it I was terrified ,now im not bothered by it as I no its caused by my anxiety thats all xx