View Full Version : Gastrointestinal link to mental illness and disease and ...

09-06-14, 11:28

Check it out, I am certain this is my problem!!! I am going gluten free as from today!!!

Lets see if cutting out the Gluten stops the retching/dry heaves and bizarre fear of everything...

09-06-14, 13:10
There is no harm in experimenting different diets to see if it will improve your mental health but there is no conclusive answer as to whether gluten affects our chances of getting a mental illness or not. There's even a theory (as the above is) that depression could be brought on my an inflammatory disease.

Unfortunately nobody knows why we suffer from a mental illness and why others don't. My theory is to look after your physical body to help heal the mental body (as well as counselling/therapy, hobbies, etc).

09-06-14, 14:46
I agree with your theory Rennie, when we're suffering with bad mental health we must first look at our physical health our lifestyles to see if there's a problem there.

New diets like this aren't likely to help if you're not taking care of yourself properly first.