View Full Version : Admin Nicola??

09-06-14, 14:57
Hi Nicola

I was looking at posts from 8 years ago one of yours (2006) about waking with a numb arm (right arm) even though I sleep on my left handside it's always my right arm, i've got the docs on Wednesday coming, just wondering how you got on with this symptom and is it a reoccurring one or has it went away?

I've had this going on for quite some time now and tbh it gets me worried even when I'm not anxious it's been happening at night and morning.

A&E think my G.P should send me to neurological dept.. Prob for MRI I'll need to wait n see



09-06-14, 15:31
Hi Petesy

I still get it and after extensive tests and physio and osteopath it has been shown to be my bad posture as I hunch over the laptop all the time.

If I don't spend so much time on the laptop it isn't too bad but yes I still get numb arms at night - both do it.

09-06-14, 16:25
As is so often the case, I pull up this site to look into something that I am going through and I find others with similar issues. I am having similar issues with both hands where my pinky fingers and ring fingers go numb, burn and sometimes feel like they are not working correctly. I went to a doctor and he thinks it is more in my neck because it is bilateral. I have been putting off the MRI as I am horribly claustrophobic and the thought of being locked in that machine is terrifying. I have tried an open MRI and that wasn't any better. I too sit at a computer all day. I get a little bit of the same in one of my feet too. Of course my mind has already taken me to one of several nuero diseases or brain tumors. Anyway, I hope you all feel better and of course any input on my condition would be much appreciated.


09-06-14, 18:10
Thanks for your reply Nicola

It makes a lot of sense because I sit watching TV like a half shut knife, and even when I'm eating which can't be good for digestion,

my posture must be terrible I'm always hunched over.

Thanks again Nicola

Much appreciated

Petesy :yesyes:

---------- Post added at 18:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

Thanks J2

I totally understand where you're coming from, i get that feeling in my index finger and thumb (right hand)
I am right handed, i have the same worry as yourself about the brain and neurological diseases, but soon as they tell me to get into that machine I'm straight in there (I need to know)

I understand the claustrophobia from my father and uncle telling me they felt smothered or no escape, closing in etc... And seen their faces during an episode of were they have totally panicked not nice at all but seems to be the only phobia they have.

J2 has your gp or consultant ever gave you diazepam to help you relax during the process??
Don't rely on it but just to get you through.

You're definitely not alone on the numb fingers and claustrophobia (i've been stuck in a broken down elevator more than once ( I s*#t myself) but never been happier to see firemen lol

Don't know how much help i've been hope you can take something away from it

Thanks again


---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

Nicola I think i'll do what you said and wait till I hear what the gp sayz then I'll ask him about other stuff

Thank you :hugs:
