View Full Version : Anyone that's had IV sedation for dental work please read this

09-06-14, 17:34
I've always had a dental phobia so I decided to pay the money and go priverate because my teeth are really quite bad now the lady sensitise that's doing them has told me I'd be better with IV sedation tore known as 'twilight sedation' I've never been sedated before and my appointments on Wednesday for 2 hours not only am I worried about going to the dentist on its own but I'm not gettin really really worried about being sedated I suffer with health anexiety anyway but I just can't stop panicing about it all so I decided to write this post to see if anyone can help me, all that's going through my head is how am I going to feel? will the dental work hurt? And then your general 'what if's' please If someone reads this and can try and help calm me please do. :( I feel like I'm alone on this one thanks in advance xxxxx

---------- Post added at 17:34 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

The lady densit*** sorry my phones spell checks everything lol!!xxx

09-06-14, 17:46
You won't feel a thing :) I get sedated for dental work and think it is great :) The dentist puts the needle in my arm and I don't know anything until it is all over with. You will need someone with you to take you home.

09-06-14, 17:48
Hi.I've had IV sedation for having a cateract done,and it was great!
I was aware of peoples voices,and things going on around me,but I didn't give a toss!!
Its hard to describe,but it just takes away all anxiety... Bliss :)

09-06-14, 19:40
Sedation is A-MAZING. It really does strip the anxiety away. You're still aware, but super chilled. You'll still get the local anaesthetic, and because of the sedation it's generally much more effective than it normally is.

09-06-14, 19:52
Thanks guys I'm really anxious about it to be honest, I'm scared incase I still feel the pain of the fillings being done and I'm really worried because I've never been sedated xxxx

09-06-14, 20:00
You won't feel the pain, and as soon as the sedation begins you'll forget all of your worries. Trust me.

Did you know that dentists who specialise in sedation are among the most highly qualified and experienced in their field? And the main reason for IV sedation is anxiety, so you're in safe, experienced, and expert hands.

09-06-14, 20:09
I wish I could just stop panicing about it but I just can't settle my mind :( the sensations scaring me most because I've never had it done xxx

09-06-14, 20:17
I felt exactly the same way. I was actually crying hysterically and had to be led into the practice by my mother. As soon as the dentist started giving the sedation, I calmed down and kept apologising for being such a wreck. I was smiling all over my face when I walked out of there, it was quite a transformation.

Have you ever taken diazepam or a benzodiazepine before?

09-06-14, 21:21
My mums coming with me, but in absolutely petrified and no but the doctors have gave me diazepam to take tomorrow night so I can sleep xxxxx

09-06-14, 21:27
You'll be fine, I promise you. The sedation is just like diazepam, only they obviously give you a fair bit more. They titrate the dose slowly so you don't feel like you're losing control, you just start to feel quite chilled out over the course of a minute or so. They talk to you throughout, and stop when you're just chilled out enough.

The only way I can describe the sensation is, you know when you take a nap or wake up, but REALLY don't want to get out of bed because you're so comfortable? It's just like that :)

09-06-14, 21:34
You'll be fine and won't feel (nor remember) a thing. Just make sure you have someone with you to drive as you shouldn't drive after sedation, even twilight.

Maybe get them to video you as you come out of it. Some of the funniest and entertaining videos on YouTube are folks after they've been sedated at the dentist (look it up) :)

Positive thoughts

09-06-14, 23:19
Anaethesia is the most common worry when it comes to procedures. I had a general anaesthetic for my wisdom teeth removal and I told the anaethatist that I was scared, he told me that 93% of people worry about the anasthetic MORE than the procedure itself. But once it's done you do look back and go 'Well that wasn't so bad!'

I've never been sedated but people I know told me that you forget the whole thing, you're very chilled and relaxed. It's better than general because you recover much quicker.

11-06-14, 16:57
Just want to post an update on how today went it was exactly what u all told me I never had a problem now at home recovering but still worrying, anyone that's had Iv sedation, is it normal to feel tired and abit off balance after? Feel like I could sleep for a year haha thanks for everyone's support means a lot to me xxxxx

11-06-14, 17:29
Oh yes, I felt pretty exhausted. I sprawled out and watched TV for the rest of the day because I was a bit unsteady on my feet. Fell asleep at 7pm and woke up at 7am the next day! Bliss lol.

Glad it went well. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow, after some rest!

11-06-14, 21:10
Thankyou for all your support xxxxx

17-07-14, 01:48
Great to read this thread and I'm glad it went so well, Jenna!

I'm heading to the dentist next Monday - woke up this morning with an inflamed gum around my lower wisdom tooth. Decided I better actually get it seen to.

I have booked in with a local dentist that specialises in sedation and anxious patients.

My question is - has anyone had IV sedation while on antidepressants? I'm on St John's Wort and have tried to google the side effects but everything that comes up is so full of medical jargon I'm not sure what I'm reading!

Of course I will ask the dentist about this, but just looking for reassurance so my weekend isn't full of anxiety. I'm also a bit worried that if I need to taper off the St John's Wort that my depression will come back.

17-07-14, 09:52
Great to read this thread and I'm glad it went so well, Jenna!

I'm heading to the dentist next Monday - woke up this morning with an inflamed gum around my lower wisdom tooth. Decided I better actually get it seen to.

I have booked in with a local dentist that specialises in sedation and anxious patients.

My question is - has anyone had IV sedation while on antidepressants? I'm on St John's Wort and have tried to google the side effects but everything that comes up is so full of medical jargon I'm not sure what I'm reading!

Of course I will ask the dentist about this, but just looking for reassurance so my weekend isn't full of anxiety. I'm also a bit worried that if I need to taper off the St John's Wort that my depression will come back.

Yes I've had IV sedation and I was fine. The dentist will obviously know what medications interact with the medication he will use for the sedation anyway.

I believe they normally use a benzodiazepine like drug as these are very safe and don't interact with much. The benefit is not only do they make you less anxious and sleepy but they also cause you to not remember what has actually happened! I can't remember any of my procedure but apparently it was pretty brutal and I had to be topped up with drugs a couple of times....:huh:

You also generally have to have someone with you during the procedure. At very least someone has to escort you home and be with you afterwards because you can be tired and confused for a while. Also you cannot drive or use public transport for at least 24 hours.

18-07-14, 02:25
Thanks Yenool, that's reassuring to read!

18-07-14, 16:13
I'm at the dentist Monday I wish my dentist had offered me sedation I'm terrified I have to have two front teeth removed and a partial denture I'm so scared I think ill bottle it ,

Old 68
11-12-14, 09:35
I have only just joined NMP
browsing the Forums looking for people,like me,with Dental Phobia.
I have the same fears,and wonder how you feel now.
I also have opted for Sedation to have 2 Teeth filled.
But unlike you ,still haven't made the appointment,
You were much braver than me

Old 68
20-02-15, 13:31
I have now been to the Dentist ,just for a checkup.And am due to have my Teeth filled next Monday.Trouble is,I had to wait a month .
Have asked for Sedation,but my Nerves are so bad ,worrying about it.
I feel so silly,at my age.How can I calm myself before I go.

26-10-15, 14:30
You won't feel the pain, and as soon as the sedation begins you'll forget all of your worries.

Malcolm Lewis
27-10-15, 16:41
No worries...a doddle. I had an implant put in under sedation. Felt not a thing and asked the dentist when he was going to start and he had finished !!!!! ( and to my surprise NO pain afterwards, how good is that ! )
