View Full Version : Shaking in Right Arm

09-06-14, 20:03
Whenever I am at work my right arm feels shaky when I have it held at a certain posotion. This specificaly is when i am holding the mouse and looking through my computer. I do work out almost everyday and wake up very early in the morning and only get about 6 hours of sleep a night. I am wondering if this could be from me being tired and my anxiety or something more serious. I am wondering why it is only in my right arm. Someone plese help me out and make me feel better! thank you!

Catherine S
09-06-14, 20:57
This is the arm/hand that you use most so its normal for tension to affect the muscles or nerves, especially using a mouse...in the office I worked in we had those raised mouse mats that we could rest our arms on to take the strain. I wouldn't say it was anything sinister.


10-06-14, 12:53
I 2nd that ISB happens to my right arm and hand shakes more than my left weird but makes sense

Right handed btw.

Take care
