View Full Version : Interview panic

12-12-06, 23:48
I've got an interview tomorrow and its really important to me as I have to get a job as part of my uni course & i really want to work at this place. Im really worried i will have a panic attack and run out, just wondering if any one has any tips to help control the panic during the interwiew? think the woman might think im a bit strange if i sit there necking rescue remedy ;)
Thanks in advance!
Suzy xx

13-12-06, 00:01
Hi Suzy

You could get some kalms pills from the supermarket or chemist and pop a couple of them. Neck plenty rescue spray before you go in. A bit of lavender oil on a tissue is discreet as well just dab yer snout with it. Plenty deep breaths and positive thinking and they will expect you to be nervous as its an interview!!!
And GOOD LUCK let us know how it goes
luv kaz x

13-12-06, 00:50
Hi Suzy,

Good luck with interview and let us know how you got on. xxx

Take Care


13-12-06, 04:41
Hi Suzy,
I have been to many interviews and each time worry I will have a panic attack and need to leave. This hasn't happened and I think it is because during the interviews I was so busy that I didn't have to to think (worry). I felt really anxious before, but during the interview it is like someone else (the confident me) takes over. I'm sure you will be amazing! Let us know how it goes.

Take care,

P.S Take water with you and if you feel anxious just take a drink. Many people bring a water bottle and you can use it to distract yourself or just take a break. I hope this helps.

13-12-06, 07:01
Hi Suzy,

I've just been to an interview last week and although was very nervous, had little panic attacks here and there and a lot of DP/DR I still got the job :)

One thing to rememebr it doesnt matter how anxious you think you are you are always in control and the running out feeling is just an urge and you will not be running out, trust me:)
I had that urge right at the time I entered the room but I just swallowed a little and took deep breaths and got cracking ;)
GOOD LUCK! I took 2 Kalm tablets and it did help me a lot!

Anita xxx

"If you magnify your imperfections and minimize your good points, you're guaranteed to feel inferior. But the problem isn't YOU its- its the crazy lenses you are wearing! " Feeling Good handbook

13-12-06, 09:06
Hi Suzy

Good luck with the interview. I am sure it will go well.


Granny Primark
13-12-06, 12:59
my advice is 2 kalms, rescue remedy, a small bottle of water, something to distratct you while your waiting to go in, i.e a crossword book and think positive thoughts.
Good luck and let us know the outcome.

Take care

13-12-06, 13:36
Thankyou all so much for your ideas and the good luck messages i went to the interview and survived :D not sure i have dome myself justice though as i was still nervous! should know by january bit worried tho as she had someone else to see & im gonna spend the rest of the day kicking myself cos i didnt do as well as i would have liked!![Sigh...]

Thanks again
Lots of love
Suzy xx:)

13-12-06, 14:05
Hi Suzy

Well done for getting through the interview. You did your best, be proud.

Shame you have to wait until January to hear anything.


13-12-06, 22:23
Well done suzy and keep us posted!!!

luv kaz x