View Full Version : Can feel pulse everywhere?

10-06-14, 02:35
I can feel pulsing in my hands and feet, also if I clench my teeth slightly I feel a pulse! My bp has been noted as slightly high by GP but not a cause for concern. Never had any of these feelings before panic attacks started. Is it really just anxiety?

Also been getting tension headaches/migraines for some time. :(

10-06-14, 02:52
I can feel pulsing in my hands and feet, also if I clench my teeth slightly I feel a pulse!

Thank goodness! I'd be concerned if you didn't feel a pulse! If I focus, I can detect my pulse all over my body too. Hyper physical awareness is indicative of HA.

Positive thoughts

10-06-14, 03:44
Sounds like a good thing to me too!

Jokes aside this is a really common anxiety thing, I've had it before and as far as I'm aware it's one of those rare symptoms that's pretty much exclusive to anxiety. :)

10-06-14, 21:22
I have this too, can see my pulse in my stomach even, it is my biggest ongoing fear.
I am trying just to ignore it as I also have other irrational fears too so I doubt I'd have all the illnesses I worry about.