View Full Version : bladder infection..

12-12-06, 23:59
I think I might have a bladder infection. Without being too graphic, the past two times I've gone to the bathroom there has been pain/burning. The thing is.. two things, really:

1) I'm terrified of doctors and I don't want to go even though I know I should. It isn't nessecarily a bladder infection, because I know sometimes it can just hurt a bit.. but..

2) I'm scared (likely because of my health anxiety.) that if I don't go, like, RIGHT NOW to the doctor it will spread to my kidneys and then I will have kidney failiure and die. I know going to the doctor should make my anxiey go away (I mean, even if it is a bladder infection, I can probably just get antibiotics and be done with it, right?) but I'm really really scared.

:( :( :(

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


13-12-06, 00:10
Hi Ya

Dont be scared it sounds like a bladder infection to me. The doc will give you antibiotics and you will be fine in 24 hrs its a very common problem

luv kaz x

13-12-06, 00:35
Well, I just got a sudden burst of courage, so I went to the walk in clinic near my apartment.. but wsa about 10 minutes too late.. they had already closed.. and obviously this isn't an emergency so I'm not going to go to the emergency room.. so.. tomorrow, I guess..

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


13-12-06, 08:39
I course of antibiotics will clear you up. I get these on average 3 times a year and this year I've had 4!

13-12-06, 13:46
hi halfway, well done on going to the clinic (even if it was closed!). Definitely get it seen to if it has not gone away. It will just be a simple bladder infection, but you can clear it up straight away with antibiotics and its really not worth waiting around in pain.

Let us know how you get on.


14-12-06, 15:29
Burning and frequent wee sounds like cystitis to me! I get bladder infections all the time and they are not nice.

Please try this one thing for me - when you get the burning wee feeling, take 4 cranberry tablets (available from chemist, supermarket etc, they are vitamins) and drink plenty of water, avoid caffine and alcohol. You can only take 4 tablets per day, so if you still have it take 4 again the next day and so on. It should ease the burning.

My doctor and pharmacist both advise this info. I take 4 most days just to keep my bladder healthy.

"Smile Like You Mean It"

14-12-06, 16:55

Does sound like either cystitis or a bladder infection.

Either way it is important that you drink lots and lots and lots. Cranberry juice or cordial is scientifically proven to be EXTREMELY helpful to bladder infections/problems, both in preventing and treating them.

One of the single biggest creators of confusion in the elderly is a bladder infection; it may seem strange I know, but this is a fact.

A simple course of anti-biotics within 24 hours will clear the problem. It is possible that if you have an infection this will compound your anxiety.

In the meantime, please drink lots and lots of simple fluids (ie, water, dilute cordial or juice etc), avoid caffiene.
