View Full Version : in so much pain today

10-06-14, 12:35
Hi all.i steped oit of the bath last night and about 20 min latter i got the most painfull back pain.right down my lower back of the spine and round the sides..i couldnt bend or sit down or move.took heavy pain killers which did nothing.so went to bed and laying down on my belly was fine.got up this morning and its all still there.cant sit up right cant bend its half way up my back today...going to doc latter but cant see him doing much.hes useless..any ideas or advice to help it..even when i cougth or take a deap breath it hurts

10-06-14, 13:06
Hi Gregg


I have just had spine surgery for 3 herniated discs so feel your pain hun:( DO NOT lay on your front you need to lay on your back. Try and walk and do small movements to keep your muscles from locking. The pain is your muscles in spasm trying to protect the injury. Ice will reduce the inflammation plus nurofen. You could go up A&E I had to initially, they will give you Diazipam as this is also used as a muscle relaxant.

Hope this helps

Jackie xx

10-06-14, 13:20
One of the things that works best for my back is the heat packs that you can get from the chemist. You just stick them on for 8 hours during the day and it really helps to relieve the pain.

10-06-14, 22:34
Went to the doctors today and got some pain killers and tonight feel so mivh better.thanks guys