View Full Version : More swollen glands on neck

10-06-14, 13:46
Hi everyone
in April my daughter had an ear infection that caused her glands in her neck and behind her ears to come up. I was worried an took her to the doctors to check, got told everything is fine they are completely normal.
A few weeks ago my daughter had a white eye reflex in a photo.Ended up in a hospital with her having checks for tumours. All came back fine although she will need another check up in a few weeks just as routine.
This has caused my anxiety to flare up. So Sunday night I was checking her glands while she was asleep and felt that more have come up and they are big. She has not been poorly at all which is scaring me as there is no reason for the new glands to be up.
Seen the gp yesterday and she said to bring my lo back in 2 weeks if they get bigger and they will do further tests.
her glands at the moment the biggest one is the size of a marble, how big are thy ment to be when its something to worry about?
Will they grow in 2 weeks? Anyone else been through this? X

10-06-14, 14:10
My son (he is two) has had one up since January, and is having an ultrasound in July. It is the size of a grape length wise, and maybe half that width wise.
I felt another one near his collar, which totally freaked me. But that went away (I think). I am trying to limit to one checking once every 3 days.
From what I read it is normal, but like you I am nervous. But we both seem to have similar issue, so probb is normal : )

10-06-14, 14:21
How come he is having a ultrasound? Did you have to ask for it? The first time I went about her glands I got told they can stay up for ages and some never go down, I'm worried they are just going to brush it off with "every two year old gets them". Is his growing quickly? Thanks so much for your reply xxx

10-06-14, 15:39
Our family Dr is young, and so he is pretty quick to refer for tests.
For example, even though I told him I was extremely anxious when he took my blood pressure, I still had to do home monitoring, and come back.

A doc with more experience would likely brush it off. But our Doc said it feels normal (1cm, moveable) but that he wants to confirm with the ultrasound.

10-06-14, 16:41
You're so lucky my doctors just tell me its the glands doing what they are supposed to do and make me sound like I'm being thick. Now I've been told to wait two weeks its doing my head and I really don't want to keep checking and make her paranoid.hers are round and movable but cant stop thinking about it xxx

10-06-14, 17:39
Hi everyone
in April my daughter had an ear infection that caused her glands in her neck and behind her ears to come up. I was worried an took her to the doctors to check, got told everything is fine they are completely normal.
A few weeks ago my daughter had a white eye reflex in a photo.Ended up in a hospital with her having checks for tumours. All came back fine although she will need another check up in a few weeks just as routine.
This has caused my anxiety to flare up. So Sunday night I was checking her glands while she was asleep and felt that more have come up and they are big. She has not been poorly at all which is scaring me as there is no reason for the new glands to be up.
Seen the gp yesterday and she said to bring my lo back in 2 weeks if they get bigger and they will do further tests.
her glands at the moment the biggest one is the size of a marble, how big are thy ment to be when its something to worry about?
Will they grow in 2 weeks? Anyone else been through this? X

It actually sounds like she's fine. Honestly, I'm more concerned with your anxiety projecting onto her. She's just a kid and kids don't understand why you're poking and prodding, rushing them off to the doctor or hospital. All they want to do is play and have fun.

I know this as a parent. When they're sick... really sick... you'll know it :)

Positive thoughts