View Full Version : My fear......cancer has returned to my life!

harrys mummy
10-06-14, 19:59
My biggest fear in the world is cancer, most of the time im rational about being ill but it only takes that one mention of the word cancer to creep into my mind and thats it.

So my story, for a fair fews weeks if not months ive had a red sore mark come up on the outside of my nostril didnt really bother me just annoyingit would stay afew days then go then come back , I mentioned to my hubby I probably should ask the doctor what it is and then bam cancer! Nose cancer!! All of a sudden it got worse the whole side of my nostril got red and painful and the area under it bumpy and sore , off I went to the doc who said it was an infection and gave me cream that made it worse back I went two days later more cream and that made it even more worse! I bathed it with a hot flannel and put a small bit of savlon on it , that was thur and yesterday it was a fair bit better but when I woke up this morning it was back to square one! The two docs I saw were not my own doctor I saw him yesterday he just basically made me feel like I was wasting his time.

I drive myself nuts convinced its cancer, I have a 2yr old which just makes it so much worae. Thanks for listening xx

10-06-14, 21:31

That doesn't sound like any kind of skin cancer I have read about. Anything red like that is surely an infection or inflammation of some sort. I'm also sure skin cancer wouldn't respond to a hot flannel and Savlon! Perhaps see your practice nurse or similar and get some antibiotics, either cream, or if it's persistent, tablets.

I had something similar, but not red, a couple of years back, couldn't find any rational explanation on Dr Google, went and had it privately biopsied. It was a blocked sebum gland and I now have a largish dent in the side of my nose where it was badly sewn after the biopsy. Anything serious is very slow growing so please don't rush into anything like I did.

Good luck x