View Full Version : Fearful flyer

10-06-14, 20:02
Anyone really claustrophobic when flying? What helped?

10-06-14, 20:25
I hate flying but I am on holiday. I brought some diazepam with me but was determined to try to get through it without it. I did use some Bach rescue remedy. I put some relaxing music on my mp3 player and listed to that during the flight and also had some magazines and books with me. I even managed to look out of the window this time which I usually won't do. I even forgot that I was 'trapped' in an aeroplane in the air.

Catherine S
10-06-14, 20:36
I suffer with claustrophobia quite badly....I can't even sit in the back of a car if it only has 2 doors! I sympathise with the flying fear as there's no escape on a plane and I cope by carrying one of those menthol sticks that are the size of a lipstick...they allow you to take things like this on board....as the first sign of a panic attack is usually feeling you can't breathe and being able to just inhale the menthol through each nostril helps me. I also pay a bit extra to book my seat as sitting in the first few rows really helps me too...I don't like to see a plane full of people in front of me! I also take a beta blocker called propranolol which slows down the adrenalin so makes you feel calmer, but I take this every day anyway so its not new for me. There are lots of natural remedies that might help to calm your nerves as Annie suggested.

There are also some great articles written by pilots for nervous fliers...just put 'fear of flying' into google search and you'll see them.


10-06-14, 21:38
Distracting myself helped a lot, learning to focus "in my own little world" rather than worrying about what might be going on around me. Reminding myself why I am doing it.... Such as going to an amazing place or visiting family who otherwise I wouldn't see (ever again).
I take my MP3 player & listen to music, I have a notepad so I can write letters or just note what is going thro my mind at the time. This helps me to relax. Also it's really interesting to read back later. Even months later, or years.
Beforehand I try to break it all down into bits. So, prepare to go away. Make sure arrangements are in place to get to the airport.
When waiting in the airport I try to focus in my little world. Not that I worry about how I feel, I mean I a, not overly bothered by other people around me. I do look around & people watch a bit not to the extent I worry about the people and who they are, what they might do etc. this used to be a major downfall of mine.
What's the point in worrying about all these people? There is t a point,cuts a wet of energy.
All these things are designed to help me NOT think about the flight.
In the lead up I deliberately do not allow my kind to run riot, it is fruitless to do that, believe me.
Once on the plane, that's when I start listening to music or writing, the writing really does help me alot. If you write letters to friends (& I have done just that ... Writing to friends on NMP) you feel like they are there with you.
It isnt a situation I would say I like (to be on a plane with a load of strangers) but it is a means to an end isn't it?
Remind yourself of why you are doing it. That's important.
Once u tolerate a flights (or several flights) the anxieties lessen.
I suggest reading some other threads here..... try these for starters.....

Someone succeeding in combating their fear, a success story:

These are threads people have put up to do with their fear of flying....
This ones a bit old and I haven't read it but I hope it's got useful info in it....

These are threads I put up, to do with flights I have taken for work.....

This thread of Annie's demonstrates how someone so down they are barely able to function, can beat their issues and get on a plane & enjoy the experience.....

It is possible to best the fear, Emmalami, so u go for it. If there's anything I can do to help u, let me know :-)

11-06-14, 08:15
Have you informed the airline that you are a nervous flyer. I do this each time I have flown and it has been a great help. I find it helps knowing that the cabin crew are aware that you are nervous.

12-06-14, 15:38
Thanks everyone :) really helpful.

Has anyone ever had a full blown panic attack whilst flying?