View Full Version : Feels like someone shoved pennies behind my teeth....

Worried 24/7
10-06-14, 21:33
So I have a dentist appointment the end of July, but I'm going to try and get in soon because I have this feeling that I can only describe as what it would feel like if someone had jammed pennies in between the skin around my back molars....I also have had this constant feeling like a little nonpainful irritating bump on the very back of my tongue that has been driving me crazy for the last three months..... These are my worries:

1. Oral cancer
2. Hiv
3. Hpv

The std type fears are a result of kissing my best friend on the lips because two days later is when the bump feeling started, which at first felt like a hair on the back of my tongue. Now I realize it could be a giant coincidence because I kissed her goodbye off and on for like a year before that.... but I have correlated the two things and am convinced I now have hiv or hpv.... I am fully aware that EVERYTHING online says that you can't catch hiv from kissing, but nonetheless, I am worried about it. The hpv worry is because I think the feeling could be an oral hpv wart that I can't see... Also my taste buds are enlarged back there so am I just feeling that??? And why are they enlarged for months then??? I have sinus drainage all the time so the doctor at urgent care said it could be that but I just can't believe it.... Also the cancer fear is because I read that the lump feeling could be a tumor under the skin that you can't see yet. I also have little blister feeling bumps on both sides back there and I just can't quit freaking out :( I also read that with hiv you can get sores in your mouth that don't want to heal. I have sores on the inside of my cheek that seem to start to heal and then get worse but I DO bite my cheeks when I eat often and wonder if I do it in my sleep....I'm not really looking for someone to tell me, "Oh, I know exactly what you have!" But if anyone has any educated reasons as to why I WOULDN'T be suffering from what I'm worried about, that would make me feel a lot better....Also, can gingivitis cause a "metallic feeling" of the gums?

Worried 24/7
11-06-14, 15:04

11-06-14, 15:15
Gingivitis and anxiety can both cause a metallic taste in the mouth, and gingivitis makes your gums feel hard, this is something I've experienced personally. I also frequently bite my cheeks and feel blood blisters/mouth ulcers. These are also a very common symptom of anxiety. B vitamins help me somewhat with that. Jaw ache and painful teeth are something I get with tension/anxiety.

I also have a crazy furry tongue at the back, with super long taste buds because of post-nasal drip.

Sorry I can't offer more help, but just wanted to say that you're not alone.

Worried 24/7
11-06-14, 15:17
Actually your comments helped a lot. Thank you :-)