View Full Version : Anyone else experience this? Nerve pain.

10-06-14, 22:11
I mentioned a lot of this before but it's getting worse.

7 weeks a go I got a crown for a cracked tooth. After the permanent crown was seated I started getting this weird feeling - like spiders crawling around the jaw. Was treated for root canal infection but antibiotics made no difference. Saw second dentist and he couldn't see anything wrong. Referred me to endodentist who said it is neuralgia. Gave me steroids and muscle relaxants. I took all the steroids and am still on the muscle relaxers. Less than 24 hours after finishing the steroids my itchy tingly came back. But now it is not just in the jaw, it is in the back of the neck, my cheek, the base of my scalp, my ear.

Going back to endodentist tomorrow and have called in Dr to ask for MRI referral, but I have no idea what to do about the discomfort in the mean time. Ibruprofen hasn't done a thing.

I swear I just want to chop my head off. Am wondering if pulling the crowned tooth would do anything because right now that's exactly what I want to do.