View Full Version : Im Think My Anxiety Is Getting Better But Afraid

13-12-06, 06:00
I think im getting better by the day.It seems that Im feeling more confident although i have had a few feelings that I ask about on here but other than those my anxiety seems to be coming under control.Should I start feeling more confident and feel that its going away or should I just wait until I know for sure? I feel better and at times during the day and night I feel normal,but then I get this nagging feeling wondering if Ill ever get better..I just looked at myself in the mirror and was reminded that I still have fears but in just a few days have come a long way.. I don't trust my feelings anymore and the positional vertigo I had scares me.Im afraid it will come back again.What should I feel..

13-12-06, 07:12
I know you are getting better but we all have the power to bring things back if we talk ourselves into it.

Its like - if you start saying to yourself " i feel ill" the more you focus on it the more you can actually make yourself feel ill. But if you concerntrate on other things = like whats goin on around you - you forget to think about yourself. This is true in a football match - the players on the team get hurt and injured but becaues they are so focussed ont he game they dont feel the pain til after the game when they stop and think about themselves - sounds daft but its true!! Love wenjoy x

13-12-06, 09:12

Glad you are feeling a bit better. I agree with Wenjoy our thoughts impact greatly on how we feel, so stay positive and enjoy how you are feeling.
