View Full Version : Any advice for nausea?

11-06-14, 09:50
Hi. I'm back after a few years away, having gone back on cit for anxiety. it did work well last time when it kicked in but the beginning was grim. And so it is again. Really bad nausea and can't eat. And usual fogginess etc. but I wondered if anyone had any ideas about the digestive issue.
And also a virtual hug or two as I get used to the meds again would be welcome. I'm just starting week 3 of 10mg and it seems worse today than last week.

11-06-14, 10:13
Hi Fred,

I'm also on 10mg. Just completing week 4 of of 10mg today. was on 5 mg for 3 weeks before that. My nausea is starting to abate now. actually came back worse a couple of weeks into 10mg. My advice would be make sure you have breakfast when you get up even if you donty feel like it. it'll get your sugar level up and helkp a bit with the shakyness. Im glas it worked for you before. My anxiety is defnatley less but my black dog is still lingering.

take care,


11-06-14, 10:21
Thanks for the encouragement Paul. It really helped when it got going properly last time. Jsut feeling sorry for myself today as I felt slightly better last night and back with a vengeance this morning. Glad the anxiety is lessening for you. In time it will help with the black dog I'm sure

11-06-14, 14:52
You could try snacking frequently throughout the day, even if it's just 1/2 a banana, or a small container of yogurt or a few biscuits. If you are still in a bad way with the nausea, try just soda crackers and maybe sip some ginger ale. xx

11-06-14, 15:59
Thanks Fred nice to met you.

How are you keeping Marie?


11-06-14, 16:20
Hi, Paul!

Can't complain! :D Well past the side effects of the venlaxafine now at 3 months in, but was struggling with getting off the couch still. Talked to the doctor and am now also taking buproprion for that. Two weeks in now. Others have complained that it makes them feel as though they are being dragged around by the collar, but I'm afraid I am at that stage of inertia where something needs to do that for me, lol! Not much happening so far, but it's only the "starter dose". So glad to have basically til August now to get settled with the meds before any increases need to be considered. Winter will tell if the black dog will try to come to stay again ...

Good to hear you're settling into the cit now and good luck to you and to Fred as well! Do you find your energy okay with the cit, once it kicks in and is helping with the anxiety?

Oh, sorry, Fred, forgot your hug, here it is ...
:bighug1: :flowers:


11-06-14, 16:55
Thanks Marie.
Makes me sound a bit needy! But last time I went on cit it was great to be able to be in touch with people who understand.
I hope you continue to improve as well, Marie.
Last time I found that once the nausea and headaches cleared and I began to sleep once again then my energy levels really did return to what was normal.
Best wishes to you

11-06-14, 17:00
Marie, Im debating contacting my shrink to see if i shoud go up to 20mg or sit tight a few more weeks on 10mg. tbh i might just wait as i feel 10mg is still settling. I can be very agitated at the moment. on Sunday i really kicked off and gave my mother her character big time. in fairness it was stuff i had been bottling up for 20 yrs when i caught her with another man.
I appologiesed the next day by text , but i felt i had to say how i felt about her selfish attutiude to life.

Just wish this fog and apathy would lift - feels like wearing a treacle filled space helmet.


p.s.I see your Canadian, I've got family in Windsor

11-06-14, 18:01
Aw, not at all, Fred! Everyone can use a hug, it's fine to ask! :bighug1:

Hang in there, Paul, as you say, maybe give it another couple of weeks to settle before an increase. I'm SO glad I did. Hopefully the apathy will lift once you are on the right dose. That's kind of where I still am too, except I'm not so much apathetic, as I tend to let go responsibilities if I have any other choice. :P I call it unmotivated. Sounds so much nicer than lazy! :blush: Lol!

---------- Post added at 11:01 ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 ----------

p.s. Paul, I think Windsor has had summer since the beginning of May, whereas we are just now having spring :weep:

11-06-14, 18:07
Hi Paul
I agree with Marie as last time I found I needed much longer than I expected for the med to really kick in. I was rather hoping third time round would be easier. Apparently not!!
And I have to say these brief communications have redeemed the day somewhat for me. Thanks to both of you

11-06-14, 21:57
You're more than welcome Fred,

Thanks for sharing your previous experience of the med. Were you on 10mg the last time?

Thanks again,

11-06-14, 22:15
Hi Paul, yes I was on 10 mg both times, and never needed to increase the dose once it kicked in. I've been told that dose is not a therapeutic dose but it has worked for me twice over the course of 10 years sorting out my anxiety and insomnia. And of course at the start of taking the meds it makes both of those worse with the added digestive pain and nausea. But I feel fortunate that a low dose makes such a difference in the long run. Hope it really starts to settle down for you soon.

12-06-14, 08:27
How are you this morning Fred?
I'm trying to appreciate the sun on my commute to work.
Take care:)

12-06-14, 08:29
Thanks for asking Paul. I'm not too good at the moment. Mornings always seem worse. Just taken the tablet with breakfast which was hard work. Now about yo walk to work as well. Yesterday evening I started to relax and felt better but bad again this morning and didn't sleep well.
Hope you have a good day

14-06-14, 11:39
Without wanting to tempt fate, I am starting to see the nausea settle down, makes life seem more bearable. Thanks for the advice. Little and often food seems to be the way

14-06-14, 17:35
Yay!!! :D Chuffed for you, Fred! Me, I still carry a packet of soda crackers in a pocket. It never hurts to nibble on them, and they can even nip heartburn in the bud.

Thankfully my new add-on med isn't creating too many side effects. Except one, can you say dry mouth??? :wacko: Dry, dry, dry ...!

Hugs, guys, now carry on!

---------- Post added at 10:35 ---------- Previous post was at 10:32 ----------

... Did I mention the Dry Mouth??? :wacko:

19-06-14, 06:10
Hi! (My first post, yay!)

I find that the following method works at least for me for general anxiety related nausea and that of the coming from Citalopram.

Go to the nearest shop and get the most potent pastille You are comfortable with (for example Fisherman's friend does it for me) and use those when ever You have nausea creeping in. Preferable You can use something like peppermint pastilles for added benefit if You can find those (pharmacies here sell herbal pastilles which are peppermint).

The freshness of the pastille, the added saliva production and something for the mouth to do helps to clear nausea for me. When I have bad stomach days, don't want to leave the house without them :)

Of course You need to remember that extensive use can harm Your teeth and cause slight - ahem - air problem, but I think those are less evil than the nausea.

Hope this helps!