View Full Version : Flying/Beta Blockers

11-06-14, 14:37
Hi Guys,

Have a few questions that maybe someone can help me with, a few months ago I believe I had a panic attack or was extremely anxious. My son was having an operation and I was worrying about it a lot. Then at work one day I was just sitting at my desk, I felt my heart racing and became very hot. I went to the docs and he signed me off with anxiety for a week or two. NB on the day of sons operation i felt no panic at all, It went well and not had anything since.

Now, we are going on holiday in 3 weeks my wife 19 month old son and 5 year old daughter. I have flown all over the world, and been on many flights both long haul and short. Yet I'm really worried about this flight, I have no fear of flying at all, I think it maybe in case i have one of these episodes on the plane.

I genuinely have no idea what I'm worried about. But it's there

Anyway I went to the doctors yesterday and explained the situation and she prescribed me some beta blockers, will these help with the flight. When should I start taking them ?

My wife seems to think its when I know I will have no control over my children safety perhaps ?

Can anyone give me any advice or help on beta blockers, writing this I don't feel anxious at all, maybe its just the build up to an event ? (very similar to my sons op, worried all the way, on the day was fine)

Thanks for any help or advice

Kind regards


Catherine S
11-06-14, 14:50
Hi James. That's the thing with panic attacks or anxiety atttacks as some people call them, once you've experienced one you fear the next...you start fearing the fear. Its a cycle you really do not want to get into as it can take a long time to get out of, as you can see on the forum...many meds and therapists later and people are still scared of how anxiety makes them feel physically. And it is a physical thing, its a physical reaction to stress, and your body is doing what its supposed to do, its getting ready to either run or stay and fight...fast pulse, shallow gaspy breathing, jelly legs, dry mouth etc. its all normal. Many of us can pinpoint what triggered the first attack but many others also can't, it just seems to happen more than likely because of a tired mind. You at least know that the stress over your son caused it so there is hope for you lol!

I myself take propranolol, although it was given to me for raised BP but it does calm the system down and stops the fast beating heart. I take it every day but its something that can be taken as and when needed too, so don't feel you have to take them every day if you prefer not to. There are some good books out there about not letting anxiety and panic take over your life. My faves were always the Claire Weeks books...old but still going strong among the members here :)


11-06-14, 15:12
Thanks for the reply, I think, I have maybe had one attack...
I don't even know if I should be worried just over thinking things maybe,
I guess i will have a beta blocker before the flight

11-06-14, 16:25
I would suggest that you don't try a new drug for the very first time just as you're going on a flight, but perhaps give it a trial run to see how it makes you feel (e.g. does it make you feel sleepy etc.). What instructions did your doctor give you about taking it?

If you're worried about having a panic attack then it might be a good idea to also learn some techniques that can help you stave them off. A counsellor showed me a strange looking tapping technique called Emotional Freedom Technique and I find it really works for panic. I haven't had a proper panic attack since I learned it but instead I'm able to divert it and calm myself down. If you go to YouTube you'll find plenty of videos that teach you the technique for free :)

If you learn a bit about what happens during a panic attack, and what kind of things can help you to feel better, then it would be very empowering on top of the meds that your doctor has prescribed.

11-06-14, 20:50
i had the same thing about flying and like you had never had it before, it is caused by not being in control, as for something for the flight what works for me
and advised by my chemist was to take one phenegan tablet one hour before the flight. i did this with a couple of glasses of wine and that was it. just after take off i was out ,fantastic and i could never sleep on flights before.

good luck

12-06-14, 09:35

I have two small children so I can't be out for the duration of the flight, Doctior said to have them as and when I need them, maybe a few days leading up to it.

And to have a beta blocker on the morning of the flight, I knew I shouldn't of come on this forum as everyone says different things and now I'm even more confused as to what to do.


---------- Post added at 09:35 ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 ----------

Honeylove, thanks for your reply, I'm not even sure If i have panic attacks
Think its anxiety, going to call doctor today and double check how to proceed with the beta blockers.

i can't forsee me having a panic attack when I have 2 children to look after on a plane



Catherine S
12-06-14, 17:03
Yes your doc is the best person to advise about meds really...we can only share our own experiences of taking them so you're bound to get different advice as everybody reacts differently even on the same meds!