View Full Version : H-Pylori Test?

11-06-14, 15:25
Hi there, how would I go about getting an H-Pylori Test? I don't see my gastroenterologist until September and I don't want to wait that long. Could a regular GP request an H-Pylori blood test?

11-06-14, 16:28
In some chemists you can buy a home test kit, I don't know how accurate they are though. When I had an endoscopy a few years ago they automatically did a h pylori test as part of it, then I was sent for a follow up test by the gastro consultant team.

11-06-14, 16:31
Hi, there!

Here, the test for H-Pylori is done as a saliva test. Easy peasy. And yes, the GP can order it. Not sure about where you live. ... Oddly enough, my GP had me go for a gastroscopy first and they found two ulcers, one a duodenal and the other gastric (?) He said that neither of them were from H-Pylori. I don't know how he knew, but that's what he said. Put me on an acid blocker. They healed, thankfully.

Good luck!

11-06-14, 20:56
I had this it's not nice but easy sorted I had to
Take 3 antibiotics for a week and it went my doc did the test as I was having very bad cramps in the stomache so the doc made me do a stool sample