View Full Version : Question about Lexapro

11-06-14, 18:41
I have been on 10mg of lexapro for a week and half now. The first week went well but the past few days I've been experiencing some weird chest pains in my left breast and I was wondering if this is a serious side effect. It bothers me and makes my anxiety even worse. It's not heartburn either just a weird dull pinching in my armpit/breast area I've had my heart check tons of times so I know that's fine. Was wondering if anybody has had a similar feeling or if I should stop it. Thank you.

27-08-14, 18:06
I know lexapro can cause muscle tension or tightness, that could be it? I've been on lexapro for 5 weeks and I have had horrible back pain and headaches, so i'm considering a switch.