View Full Version : Sinus Infection query

Daisy Sue
12-06-14, 00:22
Has anyone here had a sinus infection?

Saw my GP this week due to a constant week-long pain all over my head, in my eyes, and feeling pretty rotten with it all. My eyes keep watering, and I don't look right. I look like I haven't slept in a month, but I'm actually so tired with this that I'm sleeping well, once I go to bed. I'm also dropping off in the evenings while watching tv.

Had a slightly raised temperature sometimes, then other times it's well below normal. BP is fine.

My head pain is a throbbing pulsating pain, and the pulse bangs so hard in my head that sometimes my vision jerks with each pulse.

I'm trying very hard to keep the anxiety at bay, and believe the doctor, but I'm a little worried to say the least.

I'm on antibiotics, so hoping he's right and I'll start to feel better in a few days.

Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated!

12-06-14, 09:49

I had a very bad sinus infection a year and a half ago. It hung around there and gave me a throat infection, chest infection before it left. Ive had sinus infection before but that was a particularly bad one.

Eventually after antibiotics it came out. Youll know when its beaten and the infection is coming out :/
When the antibiotic beats it itll just be a case of blowing your nose a lot and itll all (yuck) come out. Then lovely clear sinuses again.

Not much you can do until the antibiotic kills it.

I used sudafed nasal spray. That helps to keep you breathing. Dont over do it though. One a day for just a few days then stop or your sinuses starts to get used to it and inflames slightly when its gone.

Daisy Sue
12-06-14, 11:15
Thanks Oosh.. sounds like you had it bad :( I can't have sudafed, but am doing olbas oil inhalations. Strangely, I don't feel blocked up in my nose, it's just my head and eyes.

12-06-14, 11:22
I have a sinus infection at the mo can't get in to see my doc but I am taking pain killers and a salt water spray to spray up my nose

Daisy Sue
13-06-14, 00:41
Aw hope you feel better very soon, Spuder!

13-06-14, 01:05
Hi Daisy Sue,

I had a sinus infection for 3 months! I never suffered from this before and I believe it can be brought on by Anxiety? I looked terrible, really tired looking and everyone kept reminding me of this. It affected my ears and I had terrible head pain. I really don't know whether it was part of the Anxiety Disorder or something separate, but it just seemed to disappear. I did some breathing exercises through the nose which was not easy. But I felt the best thing for me was plenty of rest and fresh air. Drink lots of fluids as well.

Daisy Sue
13-06-14, 01:11
Hi Carnation :) wow, 3 months? That must have been horrible. My ears have only hurt a little, but they're hissing like crazy. Yep I've been outside getting fresh air as much as possible over the last few days. I think I'm a little better today than I have been for over a week, still getting some head pain and look piggy-eyed though!

I've never heard of it being connected to anxiety.. might be possible though, I've certainly had a few difficult issues to contend with recently.

Thanks for your post, and I hope you're doing ok.

13-06-14, 03:35
I get them 1-2 times year. In fact, it was a sinus infection I had that came on the time I first felt the swollen gland in my neck. We treated the infection and it waned but the gland stayed and grew a bit... That was the beginning of my cancer journey.

Sinus infections can take on a life of their own and hang around like that annoying friend with the grating voice. And that voice just makes certain frequencies pass into one ear and rattle around your head before exiting through another cranial orifice. Antibiotics will help win the battle along with a of of liquids.


Daisy Sue
13-06-14, 09:47
Sorry you suffer so often from them, Fishmanpa :(

Re it 'exiting'.. nothing so far, but head pain is subsiding. I wish I would start streaming, I'm sure I'd feel better physically and mentally if I did!

13-06-14, 11:40
Thanks daisy sue and I hope u feel better soon