View Full Version : DENTIST!!

12-06-14, 08:12
I really could use some help,I really need fillings,my mouth is sore I can barely eat and I'm TERRIFIED of the drill!!
Background info
For as long as I can remember I suffered "dizzy spells",after years I saw an ENT whose diagnosis was vertigo,I have no other explaination just that.
Then wHen I was 14 I got an inner ear problem called labyrinthitis,I was nevèr given meds or treatment n just left to it,this left me with terrible agoraphobia and panic attacks.
To some degree I am recovered from the agoraphobia,I still have my battles but ive mostly adapted,I now have 3 beautiful children I hve fought so so hard to get better this much.
Anyway like I say I need these fillings,my problem is there is a link between dental work & the inner ear.I distinctly remember having fillings & the drill causing dizziness that I am TERRIFIED!!
I have fought so long & so hard to be where I am today,I just don't know what to do :(
Does anyone else feel dizzy with the drill vibration??

13-06-14, 14:19
Try this website, they are so helpful.
