View Full Version : scared

12-06-14, 09:44
hey guys,

i know i have posted a lot on here and sorry if it gets annoying.

I scared myself big style last night. I was talking to someone and i went into a day dream. I was visioning that i was cutting myself. It was so horrible. And this morning, i woke up panicking.

all this is scary for anyone let alone a 18 year old. I don't know what to do. :( xx

12-06-14, 09:53
Your anxiety seems to get worse at night when youre tired Soph.

Do you eventually get to sleep ? How much sleep do you get ?

12-06-14, 10:02
yes but this was like 9 o'clock. And I went to sleep eventually at 2 last night and i got up at 6 panicking and went to bed on and off till 9:20. Xxx

12-06-14, 10:23
Well thats a rubbish sleeping patter for a start and youve probably had poor sleeping habits like that for a while. So by 9pm youll be starting to fray around the edges. Adrenalin probably keeps you going until 2am.

Good sleep makes you so much more resilient.

Tell your doctor about all of this. You cant sleep and get severe anxiety symptoms later in the day.

12-06-14, 10:45
I'm scared to go docs. And severe anxiety symptoms? What you mean? Xxx

12-06-14, 11:18
severe anxiety symptoms - having visions youre cutting yourself/anxious that people are coming to get you/mini panic attacks. Youve been experiencing all of those things late in the day recently whereas you seem quite level through the day.

Why are you scared to go to the doctors ?

---------- Post added at 11:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 ----------

(havent you got exams today ?)

12-06-14, 18:28
Awww so sorry to hear that soph :hugs:

12-06-14, 19:54
To me they sound like intrusive thoughts.

They are thoughts that make you feel negative, and strongly. In your instance you had a thought of harming yourself and it left you feeling very anxious. They are horrible because they feel very real. But the best thing to do, and the most difficult, is to ignore them. The more you give it attention the worse it will get. Accept that they are there and distract yourself.

12-06-14, 23:00
thank you all for your replies. It just really scared me. And yea I did have an exam today. It didn't go too bad. Could have gone better but yeah. Just really don't feel myself today. I'm actually speechless this end.x x

12-06-14, 23:09
Hooray ! "Not too bad" that sounds quite promising ! Well done Soph :]

12-06-14, 23:22
that you Oosh. That means so so much! I just feel like I'm letting people down. Xx

12-06-14, 23:28
You've tried your best in the circumstances. You're not a robot.

12-06-14, 23:31
I just read your post and it seems to me you're having intrusive thoughts. I had such a bad time with intrusive thoughts at christmas just gone, I know how you feel. You just have to try and ignore them the best you can, they come more when you're stressed and it is totally normal to have them. If you want to chat, feel free to message me :)

12-06-14, 23:48
thank you oosh. I do try my best.

and anxiousgirl, thank you for understanding me. I don't feel like I'm alone in this now. I will message you if you don't mind? Xxx

13-06-14, 00:25
Hi Soph well done for taking another exam..hope your OK!!
It is important to get as much sleep as you can ..try and get yourself into a bedtime routine it really helps..sending you a hug :hugs: xx

13-06-14, 07:41
thank you booboojenny. I know i need fo do a sleep pattern but my body don't let me. It is like why wake me up panicking? It is annoying. I just cant seem to sleep when i want to sleep. :(

thank you for the hug though. Means a lot xxx

17-06-14, 23:43
of course you can!

I have an email you can message me on if that's easier also:


18-06-14, 10:56
thank you i have messages you xx

21-06-14, 23:14
I have messaged you back :)

24-06-14, 22:57
thank you for helping me Hun. Means a lot xx