View Full Version : Getting back to in to IT

12-06-14, 13:25
Hi everyone,

I have recently left my job working in IT due to anxiety and depression and would like some advice on getting back in to IT please.

My main problems are dealing with senior management and trying to understand complicated tasks that are explained verbally.
When I started my job, I was happy as I was mainly dealing with delegated tasks that were explained to me by colleagues in my team.
I was comfortable with this as I was dealing with people on the same level as me and I did not have any problems asking them to repeat themselves if I didn't understand anything.

My problems started when I was dealing direct with Senior Management and gathering requirements from them to complete a project.
As the projects were usually complicated, they usually used to phone me instead of e-mailing as it was easier.
I always wished they would e-mail me so that I could read at my leisure, their project requirements and then e-mail them later to clarify anything.
When senior staff explain things to me verbally, I always have a tendency to listen too hard and I if can't understand what they are asking me to do, become instantly depressed which then makes it difficult to listen to the rest of the conversation.
I do ask them to repeat and if I don't understand again, then I ask to repeat again.
But there is only so many times that you ask someone to repeat something without coming over as unprofessional or showing that you don't know what you are doing.

I left the job because I was working on a project that was difficult to understand and maintain.
Most of the requirements were explained verbally and I kept running in to problems when creating the project.

I am now looking to get back in to IT but looking at more of a back office type role working on delegated tasks and liaising with people in IT only.
I am interested in pure reporting and data analyst roles as Management Information reporting (as a delegated task) was part of my role, but most job advertisements mention "strong communications skills" and "ability to maintain relationships with stakeholders" which put me off.

Hope someone can help.

12-06-14, 15:10
I know how you feel. I'm the same. When someone's telling me something I'm too aware of everything to take it all in. It started affecting me on an engineering course so I started recording audio on my phone and note taking more.
Doesn't look unprofessional to take out a note pad and jot down keywords like stepping stones to remember the conversation.

With a galaxy note you can actually write on the screen to take notes making you look like a spaceman from the future.

12-06-14, 19:59
I've recently started a new job in a sector that I haven't worked in for years, so I understand how it feels to have instructions thrown at you and to feel somewhat bamboozled.

Would you consider going back to education and topping up on your IT skills and knowledge, either at an institution or online? It could help to boost your confidence again.