View Full Version : Best time to take citalopram?

12-06-14, 17:45
Hi everyone :)

I was on citalopram for around 6 months and was doing very well on them. I convinced myself at the time that I no longer needed them and stopped taking them over a few weeks.

My anxiety has now returned so I am going to be going back on them.

Just wondering when everyone takes their meds (am or pm) and what works best for you.

Thanks :) xXx

12-06-14, 18:12
Hi Jen
I like to take mine when I get into bed then I can convince myself its making me drowsy so get to sleep better normally although my prescription says morning I find pm works for me.


13-06-14, 16:53
I split my..5mg with breakfast, 5mg with lunch...My doc's suggestion.:D

Cú Chulainn
13-06-14, 17:30
Same as Ray for me. Just before bed time

13-06-14, 18:42
Interesting, I have always taken mine in the morning because they made my insomnia worse. We are all so different in our responses!

I found it a life saver though, so happy to work around it.

Hope it works out for you.

17-06-14, 15:47
Thanks for the reply guys :) yeah it's definitely helped me out big time aswel xXx

17-06-14, 16:52
I take mine at 10.30 am. was told to take am by my shrink. only thing is roughlt 4-5hrs after taking the restless legs tiredness and heeby geebies come along:ohmy:. considering taking at night. hoping its just SE as ive only been on cit 8 weeks fisrt 3 at 5mg and last 5 at 10mg