View Full Version : in the right place?????

12-06-14, 23:24
Im not sure im in the right place tbh.

Have looked around the site and haven't read anything to suggest i am. But i'll try anyway.

My issue is this..

I feel my brain/mind/thoughts are separated into two. On the one hand i have deep thoughts about life. I have fleeting moments of absolute clarity where i know what the answers are and the truth is so obvious it's dazzling. Then on the other hand i dont have the intelligence to communicate the thoughts in a coherent way. No disagreement i get into ends well because my mind finds the answer to the question, it's unequivocal, i know the answer, it feels more than right. But something clouds my mind and the answer disappears and i cant communicate the answer. I stumble and fall, the answer gone in a mist of emotion, anger, sadness, disappointment. I imagine the feeling to be the same as someone with a stutter, who cannot communicate what they have in their head.

Now someone is going to say that it's a communication problem, or an educational problem but i dont feel it is. There is something in my head, my thoughts, my brain that tells me that i am right, but something is hiding the truth from me. It teases me and shows me the answer.....then cruelly takes it away from me.

Like i said. Not sure if im in the right place

Confused? I'm sure you are but try walking in my shoes.

13-06-14, 00:02
Hello, that does sounds confusing. I wasn't sure if your post was asking for something, like an answer why that might happen, or just putting it out there to ask to be understood. As answers are a dangerous game.... Can I try to understand? I don't know if you have ever tried to play chess - I know how to move the pieces but don't play at all! What frustrated me was that I did try to think multiple moves ahead, but no matter how hard I tried..after about three planned moves it all got blurred and couldn't remember how I started to plan it! Poof, gone, just as it all seems like it's nicely laid out. There's only so many moves any normal person can hold it their head. Your thought process sounds a bit like an engine, fuel good, more fuel, better, optimum fuel YAY... Too much fuel. Whoops, drowned it ;) is that anywhere close?

13-06-14, 00:10
What emotions are going with these thought patterns?

This site is more about a community of people managing their anxiety and related issues.

You sound frustrated at your limitations. I recognise this - my mum is severely dyslexic and has trouble communicating her thoughts, because she doesn't have the language to do so.

Learning more language certainly helps you communicate your ideas better. You actually begin to have more rounded ideas because you learn about new concepts when you learn new words. I would really recommend reading poetry and looking up the words you're not familiar with. TS Eliot changed my life when I studied his work at school - maybe you could get a study guide for his poetry.

Another issue you might want to explore is why you feel that you are so right all the time. Can you entertain the possibility that you are wrong sometimes? If you can't, that might be a symptom of something.


Daisy Sue
13-06-14, 00:44
It sounds to me that it might be a confidence issue, or rather a lack of confidence.

Are you generally quite shy?