View Full Version : Past Lives, future healing

13-12-06, 11:11
I got a new book from the charity shop for 75p , last week.
Finally got round to reading it last night and I was gripped :D

I couldnt belive the things it told me about us having past lives,,
yeah I know it sounds whacky lol,
did anyone ever watch on good morning britain, when fern and phillip were regressed into past lives ?
Phillip was crying like a baby with it.

Well this book explains all about it, it also gives examples of people who have been regressed because in this life they are suffering agrophobia /panic attacks.
One lady found out she lived in Japan in her former life , where she was thrown out of her home for being pregnant and she lost her young child and her husband walked out on her., this left her feeling very abandond.
Then in this life when she had a misscarage, it reminded her of being abandoned in her former life and so she started having panic attacks...because of the fear of being alone.

But the other thing it mentions is, birthmarks are usually there because of a injury in a former life.

At the end of the book it tells you how to regress yourself, so I am going to try to give it a go..... need to find a tape machine now to tape myself whilst under . will let you know how or if i get on.


Ma Larkin
13-12-06, 11:18
How fascinating Mirry, I love the bit about birth marks, I must have had my appendix out in a previous life because that's where my birth mark is, ouch!!!

I have 3 kids and they all have large moles in the same place (on the back of their left shoulders). The moles were only tiny when they were babies, but have grown to the size of a 10p piece, completely harmless because they have been checked out.

Let us know if you manage to regress yourself. Gripping stuff!

Les, xx

13-12-06, 11:57
As usual I will watch with interest!

Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-12-06, 12:18
Ive always been a bit mad but this is crazy,
lol piglet, Im reading the book and thinking , how can I remember all these words to hynotise myself?
I need to tape myself first, saying all these things, then whilst I am playing that and being hypnotised I need another tape taping what I say whilst under [:I] simple really :D

But having said all that, I feel Ive lived before, dont know why ?

As for my 8 year old daughter , well ! when she was 3 years old and we went caravaning , she announced that her other mummy and daddy used to do that (as I was wrapping her up in a blanket [Ugh]
So I said , what you talking about ? and she then described her other life....we all sat there speechless (luckily I had my inlaws as witnesses)
she told us , she used to hide under the table because her daddy broke the door down and out side they had a horse and cart and everything was dirty.
When I ask her today she laughs and cant remember saying it, weird.


13-12-06, 12:41
I always keep a very open mind when it comes to things like this - there is so much of life that is still such a mystery. Also I do seem to be one of those people who gets deja vu such alot and did even as a child!

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

Granny Primark
13-12-06, 13:05
How fascinating. I think there is an element of truth in it cus like piglet i used to get deja vu a lot as a child.
Keep us informed as to how you get on with the regression.

Take care

13-12-06, 13:41
ok , I dont know how to begin this ...I am litraly shaking as I type this ,
I read the instructions in the book , yet still felt usure so went to this site
healpastlives.com , who also give you instructions on how to do it.
well I lit a white candle as my book tells me too, put on a cd ive got of meditation relaxing music and floowed the beginings of the white light wraming and relaxing my body...........you can read how on the site...anyway it took me ages and it was hard not to let my concious mind take over,,,,,well ive had the weireds weirdest experiance ever in my WHOLE LIFE....SORRY IF IM RANTING BUT iM SERIOUSLY SHAKING HERE.
I suddenly took a glimse of a man in a old faashioned suit, like in a outfit and wearing tights with something over his shoulder, he had a smile on his face , he lookled strong and stocky, i thought for a moment I was him but I wasnt , he was smiling at me, but then i realised( not in a nice way) suddenly I was going down , down, down, down, down all these walls were around me with all this yellow looking clay looking walls and it went down deeper and deeper untill i started panicking, it was going down too far too fast , down ,down ,down, then darkness real darkness , i was terified and strated crying the air got really tight and i couldnt breath it got too much the air couldnt come my chest was squashed with preshure but i couldnt see why i was
suashed and there was no air , i was crying .....my name was ,ian, the year was 1790 , i cant explain where i am , i didnt want to go down, i was made too go down , and now I am dying with a white light and it feels calmer now , the man at the top made me go down, and he didnt care, he was smiling, i dont know what country i am in , it may be france or england , i dont know where i am, but i am a boy....it was horrible.

can you belive all this, i cant, still shaking and whilst i was reliving it i was crying alot.....just cant get over this, got ot have a drink, feel really shaken up...

feel embarrased reporting this, if it had of been anyone else i wouldnt of said (nutcase) , absolutely blown away here.


13-12-06, 13:47
i described it wrong , it wasnt walls it was earth, yellow earth, muddy looking. It was all so clear, until it got dark, a really horrible way to die......

The most concerning thing is, In this life I was born with all my ribs and spine and clooar bone with slight deformitys, my ribs are all fused together and my spine has 3 discs missing.

Im gobsmacked, its the most unbelivable thing ive ever done in my life, cant explain it at all. it was so real.


13-12-06, 13:52


13-12-06, 14:02
ok, just been on the phone to my mum cos im freaked out, she came up with a good idea, cos shes into geneology, she checked out any ians born in the uk around 1777 , and none came up on ancestry.
Yet in france there were loads of Ians born around that time.

When I said the name Ian irt sounded like Iron, so i think i was french but when i asked where was I , it came up france and england, so I dont know where the England fits in ?

please reply and tell me im not mad.


13-12-06, 15:27
Course your not mad hun!!

I actually think you have been very brave - you are a naturally inquistive person (takes one to know one) and as such had to have a go at doing this.

I've no idea what to make of the whole thing but have a hug till you feel abit more settled again (((((M)))))

Then we will have another chat to see what we make of it - I always like to try the basic scientific route first (the down to earth northerner in me) and lets see what we come up with.

Go and have a cuppa hun.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-12-06, 16:10
Piglet, im ok now, really calmed down..hubby came home and grinned when i told him , but then he could see i was serious.

I dont now what to think either, then again , i dont think i will ever know.
I did just what it said, go asking a question , which I did....
"why do i get panic attacks ?"

My husband said maybe I was a miner, I wished id asked more questions but its difficult to do when your experiancing your own death.
But I also suppose the death itself may explain why i get breathless and panicky when i feel closed in spaces?

Or could it be my mind making it up as an explanation ?

The man I could see was wearing a hat with a cloak and tights with something hung over his shoulder and across his chest.....
Have looked it up and its the correct costume of the period - 1790.

Please if anyone else trys it let me know how they get on, apparenly we have lived many many lives.


14-12-06, 07:49
Today Ive woken up thinking, it just cant be true.
I think under hypnosis , we must make up a vision...
and want to belive it so much that it becomes real.


14-12-06, 09:48
Well I was thinking about this alot yesterday and I still don't know what to make of it.

If we are going on the lines of trying to look at it clinically then I suppose we could think this is a memory stored in your brain, maybe not neccessarily of a previous life but the nearest your brain could bring up, ie; if we looked at your brain as a sort of 'google' and we typed in 'past life' maybe that is what your particular brain would throw out, as a reference, cos that may have been some image that you were exposed to as a kid or something.

Or we could look at it as yes maybe that is what you were in a prevous life - it's difficult territory hun isn't it, cos there is no way of proving it either way.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-12-06, 11:23
No I still dont know what to make of it,
All I know for sure is it all seemed very real.
But my common sence tells me, its just my imagination....and very good it is too :D better put it to use in my crafts.


14-12-06, 13:43
Have a hug Mirry for being such an interesting person - who also happens to make me smile alot :D:D:D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

14-12-06, 14:29
Known about this for years and Im always on heal past lives.com.
There is something called spiritual response therapy but the cost of these things is enormous but its something Im always trying to look into.[|)]

Love & light to you x


14-12-06, 18:55
:D:D:D I am a clever sod Nigel - infact I am so clever that I have come right back round to knowing nothing again :D:D:D

Did any of you ever used to peer into puddles when you were little and wonder if you were facing a parallel universe (except that I thought of it as another world cos I didn't know the word parallel etc).

No, just me then - I'll get my coat [:I]


Piglet xx

14-12-06, 19:44
Piglet, you also make me SMILE alot , lol.

Nigel, The book goes on about cell memory, I will write some of the info on here soon, it does leave you thinking alot.

Flytofreedom, can you explain more ?


19-12-06, 14:39
Hi Mirry

I've been regressed twice now and have had some similar experiences to the ones you described. It certainlyopened my mind. If you want to pm feel free.

I felt like it was all a dream a few days after I'd experienced it but the feelings at the time were so strong, I have no doubt that I experienced them. The woman who regressed me actually drew some pictures of what I was seeing, including things that I hadn't even told her. She didn't suggest anything to me but said that she could see exactly what I was seeing. I could have sworn that I was just lying with my eyes closed but it seemed a lot more than that. I ended up sobbing my heart out on one of the occasions.
