View Full Version : How am I meant to feels safe if the docs screw up

13-06-14, 02:17
I went to the dermatologist two days ago and convinced him to biopsy a mole even though he kept saying it was fine and I should leave it. It was odd shaped and had two shades of brown. Well he just called with the results - mildly atypical and told me it was a good thing we took it off when we did. Well my hubby just looked at a mole on my back (one the derm didn't mention) and it is pale in the middle, has a darker edge, and an even darker spot on one side. This sounds even more atypical than the one I convinced hint or move. I am absolutely furious right now and looking to find a new dermatologist. I need this one biopsies too, there is no doubt. I know these people are only human but to tell me I'm just over reacting when I ask him to remove a mole I am concerned about (he told my husband the same thing at his mole check too - about me) and then it turns out I was right AND he clearly overlooked a very odd looking mole, has really gotten to me.

13-06-14, 03:00
I have quite a few moles. I've had 4 removed in the last three years and I was told the same thing. A "mildly atypical" mole is not a great cause of concern in and of itself although those with a large number of these (raises hand) are "statistically" at a higher risk to develop cancer "over their lifetime" than others. You have to take into consideration family history and such but in the big picture, you're not at any greater risk than anyone else. I have one that's been itching like crazy the last month or so and I'll have my GP take a look next week when I see her. She'll most likely freeze the thing off but who knows... I trust her as she's pretty sharp.

So yes, removing the mole was a good thing but it wasn't an urgent cancer risk and just because it was "atypical" doesn't necessarily mean it would have turned cancerous. However, I do understand your concern and seeking another dermatologist is advisable under the circumstances IMO as you've lost trust in your current doctor.

Positive thoughts

13-06-14, 03:21
It just bothers me that he actively encouraged me to leave it. Plus there is one on my back he never even mentioned that is so much weirder than the one I had him remove. I have managed to locate my original dermatologist who left our clinic a few years back - luckily, even though she is a trek away, she is in my insurance network so I am going to try to get into her soon to get this weird mole removed. Seriously, it has 3 different shades of brown in it, very distinctly. The one I had removed had only 2, and that was concerning enough for me. Luckily, the one I am concerned about is flat and smaller than they tell you to watch out for.

I have had so many moles removed, usually ones that have grown or become darker - I have hundreds on my body, am fair skinned and fair haired, so you can see why I worry. As a kid my mum never bothered putting sunscreen on us and we knew no better, so we got occassional sunburn. Living in Colorado now, and with two kids so fair they look like ghosts, we sunscreen and use UV tops pretty much any time we go out in the sun for more than half an hour.

I think, judging by the number of posts I have going right now, I am going through a really rough time right now, with my health and anxiety in general. There have been a lot of changes, positive and negative, in my life over the last month or so and this normally triggers my health anxiety. Oh to feel sane again!

13-06-14, 05:02
I come from a family of fair skinned and fair haired folk, and we all have heaps of moles. Mine have grown, shrunk, changed colour and done all sorts of crazy stuff over time, similar to others on my family. Pics do not have any relation - past or present - who has suffered from any type of cancer. Incidentally I suppose this is why it's not one of my fears.