View Full Version : can't cope any more

13-06-14, 09:42
I have suffered from attacks on and off for about 20 years. At the worst, a couple of years ago, I had a complete breakdown after having attacks every day for about 3 months.

Now they've come back again. Every night I wake up at 4 or 5 and instantly have stomach cramps and have to dash to the toilet. Then that's it - crippling fear that lasts anything from a couple of hours to all day. I can't eat and am losing weight and just feel absolutely exhausted.

I've tried medication - Amitryptiline worked for a while but not completely and gave a horrible side effect of speech defect/stammer. Have tried homeopathy which worked in the past (lypocodium) but when I went to a different homeopath (I've moved away since original one) he wouldn't give me that and his remedy didn't work. I've breathed till blue in face and read zillions of self help books. But they still keep coming back.

I've been menopausal for 13 years and I'm convinced that the attacks are linked to abnormally long changes in my body. I got referral to menopause clinic but they were crap and didn't want to know. My doctor just prescribes small amounts of valium but that doesn't work either.

I'm 61, I live alone, have no family and there are no close friends locally that I can talk to. I've got a dog and have to keep things together for her but I dread taking her for walks. Most days I just wish I was dead.

Don't know where to turn.

13-06-14, 10:51

I feel for you. You must feel so isolated and scared. I know exactly how debilitating panic attacks are and how frightening they are. Please know that you are not alone. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if you think you can't see it.

I joined this site today because my panic attacks have reared their ugly head and I was totally terrified. I went back to the doctor and went back on antidepressants. I am still feeling very anxious, but I know that I will get better eventually.

I found hypnotherapy to be very helpful. Ok, it only kept the panic attacks at bay for a few years, but I still use skills to this day that can sometimes prevent them starting, but if they begin then I can usually get them to stop quite quickly.

I have had doctors over the years that are less understanding. I asked for a different doctor. Have you tried counseling or CBT?

Please know that you aren't alone. I would like to give you a hug and tell you that it will get better.

13-06-14, 11:41
Hello i joined today because im in a state with the amount of panic attacks im having also which then aggravate my digestion problems so then i go into more panic. Im on constant state of anxiety and probably have about 5 panic attacks a day and am exhausted with it aswell as fear the never ending of them. Im that desperate im paying private to see if a professional can help me BUT ive read many books also and know the drill :-( i cant stop them. My mum is 62 and like you is going through menopause and with it has now got panic attacks and anxiety. Which is one of the reasons i have commented as you sounded like my mum with the menopause and panic attacks thing. Im reading starting menoapuse at the prospect of it affecting my already bad anxiety.

13-06-14, 16:00
may i suggest that you try meditation? i don't know if this is something you've done before or would be interested in but from my experience it really does help a lot, a great place just to get the basics would be here. How to meditate properly (http://dinomoz.com/thread-how-to-meditate-properly)

13-06-14, 17:17
Hi Cairojones welcome
Sorry to hear you are feelin so isolated, this is a great site to make friends and learn more about anxiety and panic attacks, everyone here has an understanding of what your oing through..You are not alone.. Sending you:hugs: a huge hug.
What sort of of have you got?
Jenny xx

15-06-14, 12:49
Thank you all for your kind replies. It's much appreciated with all the struggle I go through.