View Full Version : Tapering off meds..

13-06-14, 09:52
I had booked a doctors appointment for 3rd July originally with my chosen doctor, but I just felt awful this morning and couldn't bare the idea of waiting for 2weeks before I get some idea of what I should do so I rang up his morning explained I need to see my doctor sooner, and luckily they'd just had a cancellation so if I could make it within the next 10mins, I could have the appointment.

I got there, explained how I feel like the medication is making my mood worse and he agreed that he's happy for me to come off the medication. Thing is, he was very unsupportive and I had to ask him how I'm supposed to taper....and even then he still didn't explain what I should do. He just told me to take a lower dose and then half it when I want to, he told me he isn't going to tell me how to do it and I can do it sooner rather than later if I want.

I still don't really know what to do. I'm also really upset because when I was explaining how the pills are making me feel miserable and low, he said ' that could just be your personality though' and I objected and said ' well no, I was such a happy, bubbly person before' and he then repeated ' it's probably your personality' I feel totally unsupported, and it's ironic because the reason I wanted to see him was because he's usually very thorough but today he was just awful.

13-06-14, 09:58
I'm not being rude and I don't really care if people see this as negative or attack me for it. I think it's a good thing he didn't tell you how because you need to learn what works for you as everyone is different , different strokes for different folks. Just type your medication on google along with tapering off them and loads of stories will come up then you could base a plan on that.

13-06-14, 10:03
As a young girl of 22, first ever episode of depression/anxiety.....I expected some kind of guide, and wasn't expecting him to want me to just completley stop at 15mg. I feel totally lost and unsupported! :/

13-06-14, 10:13
As a young girl of 22, first ever episode of depression/anxiety.....I expected some kind of guide, and wasn't expecting him to want me to just completley stop at 15mg. I feel totally lost and unsupported! :/

Sorry to hear your Doctor was so unhelpful. What medication is it??

13-06-14, 10:20
I'm on mirtazapine 45mg, the highest dose. I've posted in the relevant category for medication for others that have tapered from this medication but wanted to post in here for some general tips

13-06-14, 10:29
I was on 30mg of mirtazapine several years ago. The only benefit I got was a good nights sleep. My anxiety or low moods did not improve. I gained a stone in weight which is a lot for a small 5ft 1 female, I felt like a weeble!!

If I remember rightly I was told to cut down by 7.5mg every 2 weeks. When I got down to 7.5mg I was told to take it every other night for 2 weeks and after that stop. I was under the guidance of a psychiatrist back then who knew a lot more than my GP. I was told if I had unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when I stopped altogether I could taper even slower. Fortunately I didn't have an hard time stopping this medication like I have with a couple of others.

If you do feel bad go back to the Doctor and tell him you need help. I was given a short term course of diazepam to take if things got bad.

Good luck xx

13-06-14, 10:30
From what I've read,you have to take it very slowly, and coming off the last 15ml seems to have been one of the hardest parts.
There's a thread from Dubai about his experience, that might give you an idea.
GPs generally don't have too much knowledge about this sort of thing,I saw my psychiatrist yesterday,and I'm going to be tapering mirt,but its also with the slight increase of my other one to counteract the effects.
Good luck with it Rachx

13-06-14, 10:55
Hi. I'm tapering off mirtazapine. I've been on 30 for about a year and half. I went down to 22.5 for a month and now 15 for a month which is where I am now. It's been fine so far but like Aprilmoon says I've read the last 15 may be the hardest. My doctor didn't give me much help either he told me to decide what to do. I think my next drop will be a quarter of a 15. Hope it goes ok for u. Seeing as I've been on a fair while I'm taking it slowely

13-06-14, 13:22
With most mood altering drugs, tapering off is advisable and can be done within a month or so. Sands suggestion is a good one. Everyone is different in how their body reacts so pay attention to yours and act accordingly.

When I went off Zoloft (100mg) after taking it for 6 months, I was advised to go to 1/2 for two weeks then 1/2 every other day for two weeks and off. I still had a few side effects (dizziness) for a short time but it wasn't too bad. What stood out to me is that while on the meds is that I didn't really feel any different. I had some stomach and bowel side effects that indicated I was on them. People around me noticed a positive change but I didn't really feel much different. However, as I weaned off, I realized that indeed I was drugged as it was kind of like waking up if that makes any sense.

Take it slow and steady. You'll do just fine.

Positive thoughts

13-06-14, 13:37
I just wanted to say I had a somewhat similar experience. I was on lexapro for over a year and when I wanted to get off, my doctor said to go for it. She said just do half for a week and then stop.

Luckily I had already been a member on here and knew that sounded a little quick, so I tapered differently based on what others had done. I knew it couldn't hurt me to go really slowly, but it could be rough to go too quickly. So I'd say take it slowly, maybe go every other day with a lower dosage for a while, and just see how your body reacts. You may get side effects but if they are tolerable, stick it out until your body adjusts and then start tapering again.

I agree with Fishmanpa about the side effects. I also had bowel effects while on the meds. I was constipated a lot! (TMI sorry) but once I got off the meds, it was like ... oh this is how my BMs are supposed to be, I forgot. So you might notice some things changing but it's normal. I also was feeling lots of emotions that I hadn't felt for a long time, which was refreshing but also made me nervous so try not to mistake that for anxiety returning. It's normal to feel some things.

13-06-14, 13:45
I was on mirt 30mg a few years ago and decided to come off them after about 6 or 7 months as I didnt feel they were doing anything for me, other than causing weight gain. I came off them myself over about 6 weeks I think. I reduced the dose by 7.5mg for two weeks until the final 7.5mg and then took them every other night for a week or so and I was fine. No withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. A bit fiddly cutting the tablets up though! So just take it slowly.

13-06-14, 15:37
Thank you all so much for your replies. I, debating whether or not to take a 30mg dose to get it going. Would it be advisable to do 45mg one nite, 30mg the next, 45mg etc and so on. Or should I just start taking the 30mg? I know no one can tell me what will work for me, but I'm so bewildered by what I should do. If I start my 30mg dose tonight, how long should I give it before dropping down to 15mg? Xx

13-06-14, 15:50
I just wanted to say I had a somewhat similar experience. I was on lexapro for over a year and when I wanted to get off, my doctor said to go for it. She said just do half for a week and then stop.

Luckily I had already been a member on here and knew that sounded a little quick, so I tapered differently based on what others had done. I knew it couldn't hurt me to go really slowly, but it could be rough to go too quickly. So I'd say take it slowly, maybe go every other day with a lower dosage for a while, and just see how your body reacts. You may get side effects but if they are tolerable, stick it out until your body adjusts and then start tapering again.

I agree with Fishmanpa about the side effects. I also had bowel effects while on the meds. I was constipated a lot! (TMI sorry) but once I got off the meds, it was like ... oh this is how my BMs are supposed to be, I forgot. So you might notice some things changing but it's normal. I also was feeling lots of emotions that I hadn't felt for a long time, which was refreshing but also made me nervous so try not to mistake that for anxiety returning. It's normal to feel some things.

what a great post man, very accurate information and couldnt of put it better myself

13-06-14, 15:59
Thank you all so much for your replies. I, debating whether or not to take a 30mg dose to get it going. Would it be advisable to do 45mg one nite, 30mg the next, 45mg etc and so on. Or should I just start taking the 30mg? I know no one can tell me what will work for me, but I'm so bewildered by what I should do. If I start my 30mg dose tonight, how long should I give it before dropping down to 15mg? Xx

The psychiatrist told me to cut down by 7.5mg every 2 weeks. You could go down to 30mg tonight and take each day as it comes. If you feel rough taper more slowly, go to 37.5 for 2 weeks then 30mg for 2 weeks and so on.

Good luck

13-06-14, 16:37
Yeah, I think I may go down to 30mg tonight and see how I go for a minimum of 2weeks. How difficult is it to cut tablets though? I can imagine it's quite hard to cut down by 7.5mg unless you have liquid mirtazapine xx

13-06-14, 16:52
There is something called a pill cutter.
I've never seen one so I don't know what it's like,but try a big branch of Boots chemist or something like that.x

13-06-14, 17:01
I've just bought one on eBay for £1.75 lol :) xx

13-06-14, 17:04
I'm sure you'll soon become an expert doing it :)
My meds have all been upped and downed so much,I have them all in nearly every strength lol ! X

13-06-14, 17:33
Haha me too. My hubby says I could open my own pharmacy with all the vitamins, tablets etc I have!