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View Full Version : Noticing certain things more, finding meaning more

13-12-06, 11:43
Hi, this is one of the problems I've been having since my mega panic attack. I seem to pick out words all the time that scare me, or get scared at the sight of knives etc.
Most annoying is listening to the radio, every song that comes on, I find myself relating it to me and thinking its about my situation, like I'm finding too much meaning in things. Like I might feel a bit better and a song comes on about love, and i think, `yeah I'm feeling more love for myself - wait, isn't that a bit ironic?!`. Or a Beatles song was on in a music shop 'Nothing is real` - and I was scared about everything not being real. I guess these are things that you wouldn't notice if you weren't highly anxious, and if you try you can always relate everything to yourself in some way, but in this Anxious state it seems to fuel the anxiety of the whole Universe being around me. Anyone else get this?

13-12-06, 11:47
I forgot to add, certain songs that really scare me for whatever reason will end up getting stuck in my mind as well, and re-appearing when I'm stressed for a certain reason or other.

13-12-06, 12:13
Hey Alexocelix, I know how you are feeling at the moment, one of the main problems we have with anxiety is the fact that we think too much and over analyze things, i find myself thinking waaaaay too much about things which then leads to me thinking about whether or not im real, whether the universe is real, if everything is fake, sometimes i feel as if im fading away, it is so SO SO scary, because your mind is in overdrive, i try not too think about it too much when it happens but its just like your brain WONT let you think but anything else but, you are not alone, i know it feels like you may be going crazy because i get scared of that all the time like im going to go insane, but in a way it is like we are too sane and we overanalyze things WAY TOO MUCH, my doctor described my feelings of being unreal as depersonalization, i dont know if you have heard of that but you have to tell yourself that it is just a symptom of the anxiety and once you learn how to control your anxiety the DP as they describe it, will fade, sorry to go on but i really hope i can be of some help to you because i know EXACTLY how you feel at the moment....take it easy, hope you start to feel better.

Sim :)

13-12-06, 12:20
Nono, I'm very happy for your comments. Thanks. It's often difficult to not start describing myself as delusional or paranoid, its very hard to face this anxiety and reign in all the symptoms it has spawned.

14-12-06, 20:07
Hi Alex

Your post was quite a relief to read!! I generally listen to loads of music and recently i've done exactly what you're doing. I thuoght the world was sending me messages and that everything is connected. I managed to tell myself that this is not possible and it is a coincidence that most songs / song lyrics apply to you.

I could give you a list of scary ones but i could also give you a list of soothing and spirit lifting songs as well.
