View Full Version : hi all, bit of help needed

13-06-14, 15:02
hi, i dont really know where to start, ive always been a worrier, over the last 2 years my life has been ruled by anxiety and constant fear of dying, my biggest concern is when i get anxious/stressed out/ angry i get almost like stomach cramps and im constantly checking my heart rate,
earlier this year i was rushed into hospital by ambulance, they thought i was having a heart attack , my heart rate dropped to 40bpm, turns out it was because of medication drs put me on, ive been worse with anxiety since this happened.

i get a lot of aching in my left chest sort of radiates into my shoulder/ arm, ive had loads of tests, ct, mri, dopler of arteries in neck, loads of blood tests, urine tests ,ecg, 7 day ecg, running machine test, BUT IT ALL COMES BACK OK.

but why do i get these pains, why do i think im going to die, im 29 yrs old with 2 young children, surely i shouldnt be waking up every morning thinking " bloody hell im still alive"

lately ive been that worried in evenings about being ill/dieing. that i take myself to bed as i dont worry when im asleep... or i lay in bed reading posts on here to calm my self,

i look in the mirror and dont recognise my self, i honestly think if it wasnt for my 2 kids i'd have done something to myself by now,

i cant be the only one but i feel so lonely, my mrs just fobs me off every day, she's not interested in listening any more

sorry to drag on...any help/advice will be greatly recieved, i have sought help from drs and was at cbt ( i found it didnt help) but ive decided to try again
i go back next week.

cheers matt

13-06-14, 15:38
This is all very sad. I'm sorry for you. But do remember you're one of a million others feeling the same way; anxiety-without-cause is a common problem. A good friend of mine had the same feelings about dying as you. My wife suffers more from finding symptoms of long-term illnesses all over her body, a new one every month. I have some other friends who battle panic attacks. All these things fall under the same medical group, along with depression.

Its a shame your wife cannot sympathise with your problem, but I'm afraid 99% of the symptoms you ask her about are probably blindingly obvious to her as being nothing at all to worry over. But she ought to support you if she can understand this is a proper disorder, not just 'someone being silly'. Health Anxiety is recognised by the NHS, just like depression. It is caused by hormonal imbalances, and develops via habits into life-destroying anxiety and panic.

Please have a chat with your doctor about anti-depressants. Not because you are depressed, but because these same drugs can rebalance your seratonin levels, which will make you less anxious and able to cope with life. They have worked well for lots of people, though of course not for everyone. And you still need the CBT or another approach, to retrain your brain to think the 'right' way about anxiety. But you can't do that (it's hard work) until the tablets calm you down first. Once you feel capable of living, you can then work on getting better.

It's good that your kids are keeping you going. Don't let them down.

Panic emily
14-06-14, 03:37
I'm so sorry you are feeling this way, I feel like this often as well please talk to your doctor about your medication :( I know it is difficult wanting to talk to someone and your partner no longer wants to hear it this happens to me as well. I just wanted to add that although 40 is low my resting heart rate goes down to 40 often and I'm told I have no heart problem, I also get pains as well except I have realized it's all muscle related (even though I don't use mine). Please talk to your doctor about how you feel it's important. I hope life starts to look up for you.