View Full Version : Return of Symptoms

Cú Chulainn
13-06-14, 17:27
Hi Everyone.
For the last few months every thing has been going well with my depression receding and my anxiety at an all time low probably due to the citalopram and me not over thinking strange anxiety symptoms.
Which has helped a lot.
Over the last week however I've had an increase in anxiety and I'm not sure why?
Nothing has really changed or the last week but I've been feeling nauseas and had my ''heart in my throat'' sensation quite a lot of the time.
I've been running more this week to try and ''drain'' the anxiety feelings if that makes sense in the hope it makes me feel better. Hope this passes quickly though.
I thought I'd put this down so I can try to manifest my feelings in text and see if it helps.
Hope everyone is well.

14-06-14, 20:26
Try and not see it as "it's back". Instead see it as "it'll pass" which is actually more likely and more true.

Moods are made up of ingredients.
And they do come and go.
Anxious moods come and go just like the others.
Moods were you're feeling better are built on ingredients and moods were you're more anxious and unsettled are built on ingredients.

Do what you were doing. Think about what you think the ingredients to your lower anxiety mood were.
Higher spirits because of this.
More confidence because of that.
More optimism because if this.
Enjoying being distracted by these interests/events.
This was going well.
Enjoying this company.
Enjoying this music.
Lifted by these achievements.
Finding these things funny and enjoyable.
Etc etc

Throw it together again like a dish in the kitchen.
A bit of this, a bit of that, remember what your good mood was built from.
Go over each ingredient and remember the positive emotion it induced.
Then the next one and so on.

You're reminding yourself of the ingredients of your better mood.
You're not thinking/feeling " it's back" and trying to anxiously shake it.

15-06-14, 07:52
I really liked this analogy. Helped me loads as I am in similar situation. But your advice really helped oosh. X