View Full Version : Bad night's sleep = bad day

13-12-06, 14:21
Hi everyone

Reallly good night eventually last night. However, the children didn't arrive until almost MIDNIGHT!!! Hence we ate VERY late, and were to bed late; up early to get them packed and organised and out of the house for their journey. Consequently, lack of sleep has resulted in me feeling dreadful. I'm now having the worst panic attack I've had in ages! I'm shivery, trembling and have the most awful discomfort and pain in my abdomen and chest. All I want to do is go to bed and sleep, but I know if I got to bed I wouldn't sleep at this time of day anyway.

There is definitely a very strong link between lack of sleep and my PAs;
I got to sleep without a sleeping tablet but only slept for 4 hours. The tension in my shoulders is building and I've tried telling it to just go away, but its not working today.

I'm keeping busy - my son has bought home a mountain of washing, and I've got other chores too, but I've no energy or enthusiasm. How on earth am I going to keep a lid on things when he's home for christmas and the new year? To top it all, I've discovered that the girlfriend is coming to stay for 2 or 3 days early in the new year. She's lovely and we love her to bits - she's welcome any time, but I'm just not sure I'm up to it.

Oh - for goodness sake, I do hope this is just a bad day - a blip. Maybe if I get a half-decent night's sleep tonight it will be a better day tomorrow.

My one positive thought - I have had 2 nights when I didn't take a sleeping tablet. This must be progress.

Of course, if the stress causing the anxiety were disappear, then that would bl**dy well help, but unfortunately that's not going to go away quickly, so I've just got to learn to manage the situation as best I can.

13-12-06, 14:34
Hi there, sorry you feel so rough, yes, this is just a blip. Lack of sleep is a well known trigger for panic/anxiety. You are doing all the right things at the moment, by trying to keep busy, put the tv/music on to distract you, shout, cry scream, have a nice bath? absolutely anything to take your mind from these awful feelings. They are 'just' feelings and cannot and will not harm you. Try not to sleep through the day or you may not feel tired tonight? When it comes to bedtime, have a lovely milky hot drink and snuggle with a good book/magazine, and think that you will sleep- as for the worry of christmas, i think even people who do not suffer with any of this, get a little anxious at this time of year, we can get you through all you have to do and you will enjoy it!! That is an order. xxxjean

13-12-06, 14:57
Hi Sandie,

Try and remember you had a good day yesterday and you were busy and excited about your son's visit. I find When I have had visitors and been chatting late into the night I don't sleep as my head is full of our discussions. I am positive you will have a good sleep tonight and tomorrow you will be back on an even keel.

As for Christmas it is only because you are exhausted that you are finding it daunting, just put it out of your mind and take one step at a time.

Take care.


13-12-06, 18:30
Hi Sandie,

Can totally empathise with you as I have the same problem with sleep. Eventually nodded off at 6 this morning and despite having six hours sleep, it has really affected my day. I think this is beacuse I was laying in bed for hours with no distraction or comfort.

My therapist tells me not to take the sleeping tabs, and only before midnight if I really have to.

Your insomnia will right itself, just like mine has before. Sometimes, it just clicks back to its rightful place

Take Care



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers