View Full Version : Heart rate question

13-06-14, 23:11
Hi, Im new on here and was wondering about my resting heart rate. I suffer from a little bit of hypochondria and have had benign PVC's for about 8 months now. Anyway:

My resting heart rate is 62 (taken and averaged over the course of 2 weeks.)but it seems like it consistently rises throughout the day and when can get up to about 80 in the evenings. Is this normal? I have no symptoms or anything but i cant find any info on why my resting heart rate would fluctuate based on just the time of day. Does anyone have any info on this? It does make me nervous because of my heart issues. Even though I have had a EKG, ultrasound, and other tests.

Please help, thanks

13-06-14, 23:13
Your heart rate won't always be consistent, its normal for it to be resting at different Beats Per Minute. :)

14-06-14, 00:10
I'm not a doctor or heart specialist, but I know a bit on this topic so I'll share what I can as a fellow layman.

Your heart rate will generally vary throughout the day, especially given that at certain times we are more active and have different hormones working throughout or bodies that can adjust heart rate. Have a coffee - heart rate increases. Eat a meal - heart rate increases. Change seating position - heart rate changes. Stress/worry - increase in heart rate!

A resting heart rate of 62 is very good, and it is normal for this to fluctuate. 80bpm is by no means 'high', and I wouldn't consider it to be a particular cause for concern if you've had the tests you've mentioned and nothing out of the ordinary has been noted. If you're really concerned you could always give the GP a call or even a nurse and ask for their advice :)

Panic emily
14-06-14, 00:46
Hi there!
I have MVP nothing serious at the time and actually millions have this without going noticed but because of my constant health anxiety I had it checked and this is what I have. So that lead me to becoming a heart expert without medical training lol (hospital friends who are nurses and doctors and google of course) so my resting heart rate can w any where from 45-100 on any given moment usually 125 if I'm very anxious. I have this app on my phone that measures my heart rate and one day I was just sitting and noticed it pounding My normal at this time was always 55 so I worried checked and it was 100! I couldn't believe it so I ran to the hospital and told them my problem. The doctor saw it at around 110 and said this is actually a pretty average heart rate even for rest between 60-100 is normal. I did some research called some friends and indeed most of them were sitting at 85. Your heart beat sounds just perfect please don't stress about it and consider the more you pay attention to it the higher it will naturally go! But at this time this seems very average and as the above said it changes basically every move you make and every thing u consume!

Have a fantastic weekend :)