View Full Version : Anxiety medication?? For health anxiety

Panic emily
14-06-14, 00:36
Hey y'all,
So I've decided to order my last test to see if I'm dyeing of some sort of disease through blood work, it's been two years and having many tests at the prime age of 22 and still there's never really concern other then abnormal Pap smears.. So after the blood tests come back and all is probably well (hopefully)my doctor has decided to push the medication for depression even though I don't feel depressed but as a social worker I'm aware they are hand in hand.. My question to you is does this work for health anxiety? What are your experiences with medication? Side effects and what kind worked best? I'm only puzzled because it's all about health related things... How would this work?

As much info appreciated!

Thanks :)

14-06-14, 04:37
There is actually a subtype of anxiety disorder called 'Illness Anxiety Disorder' where the focus of one's anxiety is health related and, along with other anxiety disorders, it is treatable. Treatment for health anxiety is similar to that of other anxiety subtypes in terms of medication. Sometimes the therapy itself differs for subtypes, but often the same classes of medications are used to treat them and they yeild similar results.

Panic emily
14-06-14, 20:15
Thank you for your knowledge on this subject :) I guess I will not know what helps until I try it.

15-06-14, 01:07
You're welcome :) Unfortunately, you're on the ball there. All you can do it give it a go and see if it works. There isn't really a hard and fast rule as to what works for each person. Generally SSRIs are first-line treatment as they show higher efficacy rates, however these do take longer to work than other medication classes. Doctors usually call these 'antidepressants', but they have clinical utility in treating an array of problems and the term can be misleading. I hope you get the right medication first up and find some relief soon :)