View Full Version : i quit!

14-06-14, 10:53
hi everyone,

I am trying my best to better myself with my new Avon job and it was going fine. I got some customers and got some orders that is fine too. But then when the orders come and someone's order isn't in, they kick off at me. This someone is my best friend. She is saying that it is a home that she had to wait for a few hours for me to figure everything out. She was saying ffs all the time and saying she was sick of waiting. It got on my nerves so much. I asked her this morning if she is ok today and she said no still not happy with this Avon sh**.

I feel like everything i do just isn't good enough. I just feel like i cant get better. What is the point anymore? All i do is wreck peoples lives.

I QUIT!!!!

14-06-14, 11:00
All i do is wreck peoples lives.


Whether you suffer with anxiety or not there will always be highly entitled and self important people you have to deal with in life.

If your 'friend' wants to place such importance on a trivial matter like this then so be it.

14-06-14, 11:10
i do. I don't just mean in this situation. I try my best to better myself and my confidence and self esteem but it just isn't good enough is it? Xxx

14-06-14, 11:31
She's a drama queen. I found Avon to be a nightmare and I gave up with it after a month. It's not fault and your best friend doesn't sound very sympathetic.

I'm like you, I must always better myself and if I don't satisfy my standards I feel like I'm not good enough. Sometimes you have to take a step back and see where you've come from and what you've achieved, because you can be blinded from those.

14-06-14, 11:47
i do. I don't just mean in this situation. I try my best to better myself and my confidence and self esteem but it just isn't good enough is it? Xxx

You should focus your self esteem on goals you set yourself, and not how other people perceive you.

You know what your struggles are, you know what you're capable of doing on any given day so only your opinion should matter in how much you achieve.

14-06-14, 11:59
yeah that is true Rennie1989. I do love doing Avon. It is just I'm fed up of people having a go at me when i do something good.

I have had enough. Like yesterday, I felt a bit like it should have been me and my my step mom that went. Xxx

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 ----------

thank you ankietyjoe. Means a lot. Just so hard right now. I am preparing myself for tomorrow as well as I have race for life as I'm running for my step mom. Xx

14-06-14, 12:26
In life we all encounter people that say and do things to us that we don't agree with. We have to learn to let this brush over us and grow a thick skin. Sometimes it's worth listening to, especially if we act selfishly, other times we have to let it go and not think about it. I hate it when people snap at me, whether it's my fault or not, but I've learnt to just let it go, carry on with what I'm doing.

14-06-14, 12:33
ok Rennie1989. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm pathetic cxx. :weep:

14-06-14, 12:40
ok Rennie1989. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm pathetic cxx. :weep:

Soph friends should be understanding and she obvouisly isnt shock her and tell her to (GET STUFFED) xx :whistles:lol xx

14-06-14, 12:42
i cant do that. :( what is wrong with me? :weep::weep:

14-06-14, 12:54
There is nothing wrong with you love apart from your to nice for your own good xx

14-06-14, 13:02
is that a bad thing? Am I an easy push over? I'm feeling so crappy xxx

14-06-14, 13:05
Soph no it not a bad thing it shows what a lovely kind person you are and you should feel proud of that because it makes you a nicer person love xx

14-06-14, 13:08
awwww thank you for saying that. I just cant find it in my heart to be bitchy back to someone. I don't like confrontation. I just need to build a back bone and stop being so stupid xxx

14-06-14, 13:24
Soph your not stupid love your just nice and dont change that xxxx

14-06-14, 13:40
ok i will try not to change that. I'm sorry for being a pain in the bum xxx

14-06-14, 13:45
ok i will try not to change that. I'm sorry for being a pain in the bum xxx

We can all be pains in the bum lol xxxxx :bighug1:

14-06-14, 14:04
i hate being like this :( bring on race for life so i can feel proud of myself for once in my life xxx

14-06-14, 14:54
awwwww Soph your not being a pain in the bum, we're all only human. Being nice is the best thing to be :hugs:

14-06-14, 15:14
Soph friends should be understanding and she obvouisly isnt shock her and tell her to (GET STUFFED) xx lol xx

i cant do that. :( what is wrong with me? :weep::weep:

So let me get this straight. You're selling Avon and your friend's order is delayed? What is it?... Creams... a perfume?... a beauty product of some kind?

It's not life threatening dilemma nor will it ruin her life but it's Ok to make you feel like Sh^*? Ummm... I don't think so!

If you can't tell her to (GET STUFFED), I'll be happy to do so. She doesn't know me nor do I care what she thinks. PM me her email and I'll give her some reality :whistles:

Positive thoughts

14-06-14, 15:33
All i do is wreck peoples lives.

I try my best to better myself and my confidence and self esteem but it just isn't good enough is it? Xxx

I'm pathetic cxx. :weep:

i cant do that. :( what is wrong with me? :weep::weep:

I just need to build a back bone and stop being so stupid xxx

These are the messages you are telling yourself everyday...and worse...you believe them.

The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Bhudda

What happens if you change the messages you tell yourself?

14-06-14, 20:19
thank you all for the messages.i am scared to change. I'm scared to hurt people. Xxx