View Full Version : Panic on a plane.

14-06-14, 11:13
Morning everyone
I've recently started getting panic attacks, really frightening but I'm learning to control them.
I'm supposed to be flying to Barcelona in Monday from UK, and whilst normally I'm absolutely fine on planes, I have this terrible fear I'm going to do my thing where I feel like I'm going to pass out or big waves of dizziness. I know thinking about it will only bring it on, and I'm trying my hardest to not think about it, but just wondered if anybody had tips on how to deal with it from personal experience?
I don't get out of breath with mine. I get the above symptoms and racing heart.
Thank you and feel well :)

14-06-14, 11:43
Just feel the fear and do it :) You say you have this fear that you will.....How about changing your thoughts and visualising yourself on the plane, happy and chatting on your way to what is going to be a fabulous holiday :)
I was much the same as you and I am holiday in Malta as I type. I was so anxious about getting here but determined to do it anyway. I actually quite enjoyed the flight! I have had a panic attack on a plane before, a really bad one but you know what...it passed just like any other attack and it wasn't really a huge embarrassment as I was too busy trying to control it to worry about what anyone else was thinking. I think they mostly just got on with reading their books, sleeping or eating :)
Take an mp3 player with some relaxing music and enjoy your holiday :)

14-06-14, 12:06
You've brought a happy tear to my eye, thank you so much. Have an amazing time in Malta :)
That has really helped xx

14-06-14, 12:49
:) I have the flight home tonight so I am just thinking about my cats waiting to greet me when I get home :)

16-06-14, 14:08
I understand how you feel. I used to be ok on planes and other forms of transport but ever since I developed panic disorder, pretty much anything and everything can set an attack off in me. I'm a lot better than I was, I would say I'm about 80% better but by no means totally over it yet.

I'm flying to Dublin a week today and I have a mixture of excited and terrified feelings. The flight is what mostly scares me. I will be with my partner which is a comfort but knowing I will panic, still disheartens me.

Tips I can give you are -
*Make the cabin crew aware that you suffer from panic attacks, some crews are very understanding when it comes to this and deal with panicked passengers every day.
*If heights are what can cause a panic in you, don't sit at the window.
*As tempting as it is, try and not have a drink before your flight. It may give you temporary confidence for your flight but if it wears off while you are flying, you could have a bad attack
*Avoid caffeine before your flight as caffeine is bad for giving anyone a panic attack, even if they don't usually suffer from attacks
*Also have a good breakfast/lunch/dinner (depending what time your flight is) before your flight as not eating and having low blood sugar can cause a panic.
*When the plane is cruising, have a walk up and down the alley even if you just go to the toilet. Exercise, however small can help get rid of the excess adrenaline that is causing you to panic.
*When you have to stay in your seat say for take off and landing, try breathing exercises like breath in for 4 secs, hold breath for 3 secs and exhale for 4 secs. Also wriggle your feet about.

20-06-14, 16:13
Draw lots, keep your mind occupied, chat, close your eyes, open your eyes... Just do everything BUT Don't think about how you feel. Focus on what you will wear on your first day , what you will do. Take a book and find great quotes...or word search with a friend, see who can complete one the fastest.....

and lastly,

your not the only one who gets it. So when your in that state, think, if they can do it. Why can't i? Positivity , even during stress....that power/strength to go through it, is the best thing at overcoming it.


20-06-14, 16:41
I get panicky in the airport before stepping on to the plane while your waiting for your fight to be called and I have taken diazepam 2mg to help me from my doc. I try to keep busy around the shops I buy water, sweets for the fight and a nice magazine to read. Set up some sort of little treat to look forward to on your fight as a reward to your self

21-06-14, 19:34
Woop woop!!!

I have a flight on Monday and decided to post my fear out here for the world to see. Now I crossed this post and thought, life is beautiful!!!

Thank you for the tips! Annie0904, I respect you and trust you are safely home again!

Thank you guys! :hugs:

22-06-14, 05:40
I see we both have a flight tomorrow! Good luck to us both on our flights, we'll show the panics who's boss:yesyes: where are you off to? :)

22-06-14, 19:16
Hi there,

Well we are flying to Trapani, Sicily. If I was not so freaked out with panic, I would have been really excited.

Thank you Ginger Fish for the tips! Some of them are so logical, but necessary to be said. (In my case to be read).

I am feeling quite ready. Despite some mild panic and feelings of dread.

Staying positive is my aim.
Good luck with your flight Ginger Fish!

22-06-14, 21:14
Just feel the fear and do it :) You say you have this fear that you will.....How about changing your thoughts and visualising yourself on the plane, happy and chatting on your way to what is going to be a fabulous holiday :)
I was much the same as you and I am holiday in Malta as I type. I was so anxious about getting here but determined to do it anyway. I actually quite enjoyed the flight! I have had a panic attack on a plane before, a really bad one but you know what...it passed just like any other attack and it wasn't really a huge embarrassment as I was too busy trying to control it to worry about what anyone else was thinking. I think they mostly just got on with reading their books, sleeping or eating :)
Take an mp3 player with some relaxing music and enjoy your holiday :)

Akd..... Its really worth taking on board everything Annie has said here. She has been there, felt the fear and yes, done it anyway. All that .... And come out the other side after having a super holiday.

For me, distraction really is the key. I have to do short flights for work pretty much every week. I have gone from being really worried about bursting into terms on the plane through fear, not being able to cope when we take off.... The list goes on.
But I managed it. I still manage it. To occupy myself, I play music, I write, writing has been the key for me. Sometimes, if we have a bit of turbulence, I wrote about how I am feeling, wht the plane is dong, other times, I might write about how I feel about life at the moment, things that might be troubling me. It's great distraction. Oh, and I have also written letters to friends too.
If I am keeping my mind busy, it stops me from thinking about all the things tht I might be in fear of. I am firm it's myself. I won't "go there" shall we say. I lay good plans & stick to them. As I said, distraction is the key for me.
Also I take my camera & get pictures of the view. Now, for some that might be a step too far. Especially at the beginning but I'll tell you what, it is so rewarding if you can do something like that.
When it comes to looking back at pictures, or re-reading how you have managed to cope with fear, well, it's amazing, it's a permanent reminder of how brave you were. It gives you unbelievable strength & self-confidence afterwards. It really is worth it so I suggest you go for it.

---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:13 ----------

Oh, I realise this isn't a new thread. Not to worry, what I say still counts :-)