View Full Version : It is the end of the world!

Panic emily
14-06-14, 20:07
Okay! Here it is I have a cold or allergy's but my son has a cold and I assume I do as well :( it started with the sniffles on Monday and it is now Saturday and I have a cough and post nasal drip very thick! In my mind it's the start of phnemonia(how ever you spell it) I had diarrah last night that's it no fever but I am convinced now that I'm coughing this is what I have plus tiredness. I just feel that my anxiety is to the Max because I've got a cold and to most normal people this would be a minor cold but to me it means death! Does anyone else get this dramatic for a cold should I seee a doctor or wait it out till I have a actual fever... I already saw a doctor but they are not worried that was Tuesday (in the hospital might I add) does any body else get super tired just because of a cold ?? Is this normal?

14-06-14, 21:34
Yes, it's normal to be super tired because of a cold! I'm always exhausted whenever I have one and sleep a lot, never have any energy and my body feels heavy and achy. I also get very dizzy and weak. Try not to worry and just get a lot of rest!