View Full Version : i just knew i wasnt well

14-06-14, 20:08
so for the past couple of years ive not felt great to say the least weight loss urinating all the time thrush in mouth sore private parts female 34 extreme tiredness blurred vision had bloods took end of last year doctor said they was ok apart from slightly raised liver enzymes . so this goes on into the new year just feeling utter crap then the thirst begins never experienced anything like it constant thirst up and down in the night peeing so decide to go to the doctors and they emediatley send me for bloods to discover im diabetic type 2 and my sugars are that high im on 4 metformin a day and injection at night im so glad they found something wrong because i couldnt of carried on the way i was and a week on im getting better by the day the soreness has gone my thrush in my mouth has gone and i have more energy and im happier in myself x

30-06-14, 16:05
ive got to go for fasting blood test tomorrow even though i think deep down ive got it, im scared stiff so glad your feeling better,

30-06-14, 16:16
Ihaveitall glad to hear your feeling better ,I think its best to no what your dealing
With at least you no why you felt so bad now xx

suepat dont be scared its better to get checked ,to give you peace of mind and hopefully everything will be fine xx