View Full Version : Going out of my mind

14-06-14, 21:26
Hi guys I feel so brain dead for the last past 2 days now and feel dizzy like 24/7 I'm always getting worried and this causes my body to shake inside I'm on citalopram 10mg for 4 week now but I feel like I have good days and bad days I'm going out of my mind feeling like I'm the only one going through this I almost convinced my self to phone an ambulance and tell then to take me to the nut islum or to be mentally assed. :(

14-06-14, 22:11
Hey darren I'm on day 16 and its a rocky road I've had good days and bad days yesterday and the day before were good until I had a panic attack while trying to fall asleep which I think has negatively affected my outlook but I keep telling myself too give it time. I already notice small differences like I dont lay in bed all morning wanting to die and my appetite has come back and certain things dont bother me as much the initial fog seems to have lifted somewhat as I can enjoy some activities again..I feel like it has made me more anxious somewhat but from what I've read it seems like things get worse before they get better....the insomnia is the worst and the fact my psychiatrist has prescribed me 4 diffrent medications (remron, neuronten, vistaril, and ativan) that I've only taken once with the exception of ativan just seem to make things worse is discouraging but I'm gonna stick with the celexa for a few more weeks and see if it levels out..I've heard it can take 6-8 weeks to really start working but I hope it kicks in sooner.

---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:09 ----------

And ya I'm definitely feeling dizzy and shakey more dizzy usually when I go out into the sun or when its really hot and I even feel like my heart is always racing...I'm only on 10mg as well.

14-06-14, 23:08
Hi Guys
These meds can take forever to kick in.
I haven't been on the same one as you,but loads of others over the years.
I think what's helps is to remember that you didn't get depressed over night,it was bit by bit.
And thats often the way recovery is as well.
Sometimes you think you can hardly notice anything,then you start to notice slight changes.
Keep at it,it does get better.

14-06-14, 23:47
Hi Darren, Heard those words before. Yes, it was me, nearly 4 months ago. I just kept saying, take me somewhere and leave me there. I'm losing control, I'm going Mad, and so on.

The dizziness/light headedness is caused by tension and stress. Try to relax the shoulders, do your breathing exercises and stop breathing shallow. It will get better, you will have a good day, then some bad days, until your goods days outnumber your bad days. I know its awful, but try to concentrate on what you are doing rather than what you are feeling. Be Strong, you can get through this.