View Full Version : Help, First panic attacks

14-06-14, 23:35
So, i've been smoking weed for about 6 months now. and i believe it has caused the anxeity because now, looking back i can remember having really mild panic attacks over really stupid things. 4 days ago i had my first horrid anxeity attack, and it was BAD. went to the hospital and saw a doctor he gave me 10 days worth of Lorazepam 1mg.

Since the day i went to the hospital. I've been having 2-3 panic attacks a day, i try not to take the lorazepam because afterwards, it makes me feel high and woozy; And that is not how i want to feel. i want to feel normal. though it does stop the "going crazy" feeling, it still leaves me feeling slightly scared about everything, and i also want to cry alot over nothing.

Now about my anxeity/panic attacks. It randomly starts, the fear. Followed by me questioning myself and feeling like im loosing my mind, i get it in my head like "What if life is just a dream" And it scares me, really really badly because i have an awesome life with an awesome girl. And i couldn't ask for more.

Now each of these anxeity attacks last HOURS. 2-3 hours each, depending on how i go about them.
Say i go for a 10-15 minute walk down the street, the panic slowly starts to go away and i'm feeling a ton better, but its short lived. the attack usually returns within an hour.

My question to you all is, What can i do? I'm seeing a doctor Monday, and a psych sometime this week. What can i do help myself through these? and to get them to stay away.

Even being around my amazing girlfriend/cuddling i feel like i can't get close enough and i start to cry or worry about loosing her. Which i know i'm not; Admididly i have been under a bit of stress lately, which has all been eliminated at this point. So i shouldn't have anything to be under stress about! Except for these damn panic attacks.

Rarely during my panic attacks i get this out of body feeling, like i'm outside my own skin or something, of course that could also be the feeling the lorazepam could be giving me, as i also get that kind of feeling when i'm really high.

If anyone has any ideas, or tips on how to make myself feel more human. Please. Please help me until i can get the proper medication.

If you have any personal stories of how you helped yourself, or are just open to talking me through these, that would be awesome.

After i push the panic out of my mind, i'm left with a deep sadness which i find really weird, and that usually leads to another panic attack. What can i do about this?

Thanks. I'm really scared about all this, as its never happend before.

15-06-14, 00:13
Please read the "first steps" website page on the left and the "coping" one as well


17-06-14, 12:13
Hey Darklazer so sorry to hear your feeling like this.....try meditation or breath control thats the first key to getting rid of these dam things....youtube some meditation videos to help you get started.....hope you feel better soon.


18-06-14, 16:11
Goto www.anxietynomore.co.uk (http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk)

His experiences as mine did started with the use of soft drugs. Lots of good helpful advice & experiences.

Your thoughts are not important, it is your relationship with them, don't argue, battle, attempt to escape or try to make sense of them, just let them be there and carry on. Good luck