View Full Version : Its amazing how one website can make you feel..

13-12-06, 18:05
I came on the internet after a bad day, i was feeling really low and down, thinking of only negatives! iv read through the positive comments and the funny random ones on 'misc' and i just feel so enlightened! feel free again and so positive! Really needed that kick.. listening to keane-everybodys changing, and im now so happy!
Thankyou everyone for every comment and imput on this website, uv changed my night!.. for the better of course!
Claire xx

13-12-06, 18:11
So very glad that you are feeling better.

Hugs to you


13-12-06, 19:14
You go girl so proud of you today ...xxxx
Mazz xx

13-12-06, 21:22

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.