View Full Version : Anybody else's life sucks because of lack of sleep?

15-06-14, 03:05
It's like I've been barely functional throughout most of the day the past few weeks because it takes me hours to fall asleep so I get 3-5 hours a night..

My friends ask me why havent you been hanging out? My family is worried because I'm not the same anymore.

Life sucks atm because of this. It's like I'm not even living atm. I'm so jealous of people who have no problems falling asleep and staying asleep. They don't really how good they have it. I think I'd rather be a person who can sleep 7 plus hours a day then a millionaire.

Allright tonight I'm gona try this Badger Sleep balm. I'm going to cover my entire body with it. Just kidding... but we'll see if that has any effect. I pray to God it does.

15-06-14, 11:13
Sorry to hear your not sleeping I the same believe me I've tried everything from bager balm to lavender foam bath sleeping CDs nothing works for me

Down and out
15-06-14, 12:06
I'm the same as you , I use to go to bed at half eleven and sleep all the way to alarm clock and at weekend I would be asleep till gone 10 but now I seem to cat nap all night and be wide awake at half four ish and would cut off my right arm to be back to my normal self , life sucks :(