View Full Version : Need to tell someone

Down and out
15-06-14, 11:22
I have been suffering with really bad anxiety for the last year and some days it really gets me down , I was put on. Citalipram back in November and the first few weeks were really bad and I didn't think I could carry on , here I am six months later and I'm still going , there has been some good times and some really low times but my anxiety seems to be with me all the time and I haven't had a day where I feel it's not there , always second guessing myself and thinking and dwelling on what I'm going through , I have 3 children and keep making excuses for why I can't do things with them .

Every one thinks I'm doing so well as I put on a brave face and say I'm fine but as time goes on I'm starting to loose faith in myself and just want it all to go away .

I told my wife I am struggling a little at moment but haven't told her the full story of what I'm going through as I don't want her to get upset again , work is getting hard work again and don't know how much longer I can put this front on for ,

Thanks for listening

15-06-14, 16:11
Hello Down and out I can relate to what your saying I put my game face on that im okay at times but you really shouldnt carry it round with you this will increase your anxiety love ,maybe go and have a chat to your gp you need to talk and tell your wife how you really feel it might be upsetting for her ,but love it just going to make you worse tell someone good luck xx

Down and out
15-06-14, 16:32
I went to see doctor last week for review but I messed us and put game face on , I told her it's still hard work most days and I'm not doing to well but didn't let out the whole story about how I'm doing , gad is a horrible feeling and guess I just need some reassurance but not sure who to turn to .