View Full Version : Hello! I'm a hypochondriac :)

15-06-14, 16:28
Just wanted to say how much I value the advice on this website. I suffer from anxiety occasionally, mainly health anxiety, and I came across the website by chance. I googled Terrified of Dying of Cancer as this is one of my triggers and came across a thread which was eye opening. It was such a relief yet very upsetting to realise I was a hypochondriac, even if I feel my fears are completely justified. Hypochondria seems to be one of these big social jokes that no one takes seriously or they feel comfortable joking about and to have my fears that friends/drs/family weren't taking my health concerns as seriously as I was, was quite upsetting and painful. I also had my first panic attack the other day in A&E (I was actually told to go because I had chest pains which luckily turned out to be gastritis and then collapsed in the que having a very unpleasant attack where my arms seized up and I was in agonising pins and needles) which was a huge shock but it's sort of pushed me in the direction of getting help. I also feel quite guilty now. I don't like the idea of taking health care facilities away from someone who might really need it.

I had therapy last year for anxiety and paranoia which I found very helpful but we didn't dig deep enough to discover my main anxiety trigger, which is now very obviously health related, so this is something I'm looking forward to working on and addressing so I can be mentally healthy again- because no matter how sick I feel it's very unlikely I have or the doctors have missed cancer, diabetes, mnd, angina, stds, thyroid problems and bilharzi. And it's getting pretty damn intrusive worrying about it.

In short I've always been a bit of a worrier, more so after having children, but things got very black after it was found I had severe precancerous cervical cells during a routine smear test which basically scared the poo out of me. My anxiety was further enhanced by the fact I was not HPV positive (which is 99% the cause of precancerous cells) so I felt like a freak who had mysteriously gotten sick and not only did current medical advice not apply to me I felt unpredictable and alone. During this I also had a very invasive wisdom tooth extraction which damaged my throat and I was left in absolute agony for weeks with a massive tear and infection (misdiagnosed as tonsillitis) as nobody took my pain seriously. My dentist actually hugged me when he saw me because he felt so bad for me and it left me essentially not trusting doctors which is further fuel to the fire- not only do I feel like my health is unusual and doesn't demonstrate normal predictable behaviour but I feel like doctors neglect and patronise me.

Some recent health problems have blown up into all sorts of stress-induced symptoms and fears but at least I've acknowledged my health anxiety now and I can begin to move on. I've begun applying coping techniques recommended here along with my own methods and I'm feeling more stable again :)

Anyway, hope to meet you all soon and deal with these problems in a good way, I also hope I can help others.

15-06-14, 16:38
Welcome. Yes it makes me sad when people joke about somebody being a "hypochondriac". Its not funny and if they only knew how badly this can affect your life then they wouldnt be laughing. This is a fabulous place with many caring and supportive people and its nice to have you here.

15-06-14, 17:14
Hello! Thank you! Yes! When I went looking for support or advice on coping with health anxiety it really shocked me how unsupportive a lot of the stuff was. If the issue was taken more sensitively and with a lot more respect and support it would have huge benefits for society as a whole. I think this is something id like to get involved with. Health anxiety made me feel absolutely dreadful and I would do anything to help another person cope better with theirs. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

15-06-14, 20:04
Hiya I'm new too having watched from afar for about a year. I have terrible health anxiety which got worse after having my daughter. It's mainly cancer or MND at the moment. My family are supportive but generally laugh off anything I say about my health because in such a worrier. I hate having HA and all that comes with it. It's exhausting and terrifying but it's quite comforting to know I'm not the only one xxx

15-06-14, 21:14
Hello! I think that's why I'm here- just to not feel so alone in my concerns. The moment I accepted other people feel exactly like me it gave me the freedom to ask the question whether my fears were justified. Maybe my fears ARE irrational. It's destressed me considerably. Before I was just stuck in my own head but now I'm Out.

23-05-15, 01:11
Hi :) I'm a Hypochondriac and have been told by Doctors in the past that I suffer from Psychosomatic Anxiety Disorder. I've only just recently joined this site and It's a great comfort to know that there's so much support on here and people I can relate to :):)

04-12-15, 11:01
I am Veekay new to this wonderful site. The moment I started reading articles about Hypochondriasis I can easily relate all what I m going thru.
I feel a bit assured that there are ways and means to overcome this HA.I congratulate the moderators for running such a wonderful help forum for people suffering with any kind of anxiety. The most important medication for anxiety is a surrounding where people can be heard where they can be guided where they can be consoled and I firmly believe this site is doing it for so many of us.
will definitely be a regular here for support to overcome my HA and help whatever I can offer to all of you my friends. stay blessed stay happy:):)

07-12-15, 18:23
Hi neon,i fully endorse all you have written about hypochondria,and how good it is to have this site.I am a long term hypochondriac,and it is anything but funny,i have had all kinds of treatment all to no avail.If someone tells me they have cancer,you can bet your life i will soon have their symptoms it drives me crazy because i fully believe it .I drive my therapist nuts she is lovely to talk to and all she tells me makes sense,but when a new symptom comes along i get really fearful again.But if by chatting on here i hope we can all help each other after all we are all experts,and know what triggers our minds.Good luck to all geezer